City of Surrey

We're creating a new plan to guide growth, support future employment opportunities and natural area conservation in South Campbell Heights. 

South Campbell Heights is an in-progress land use plan area along the border of Langley. The plan will guide growth and development in terms of land use, transportation and community amenities such as parks. 


On July 24, 2023, Council endorsed Corporate Report R123 which included minor changes to the South Campbell Heights Stage 1 Land Use Plan and local road network. Major items that City staff are currently working on include the completion of the Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP), development guidelines related to urban design and sensitive ecosystems, and establishing financial tools to pay for utilities, infrastructure, community amenities.

The final South Campbell Heights Plan will provide strategies to balance future employment and business growth with environmental protection, and will be informed by focused community, environmental, landowner, First Nation and resident stakeholder consultation.

Stage 2 of the South Campbell Heights Plan and completed plan document is expected to be brought forward for Council consideration and approval in mid-2024. 

Plan area

The South Campbell Heights LAP includes Mixed Employment and Conservation designated lands south of the existing Campbell Heights Business Park near the Township of Langley border, encompassing an approximate area of an additional 245 hectares (600 acres).


Process & Timeline

  • Completed
  • Started
  • Pending
Fall 2014

Step 1: Getting Started

The Local Area Plan process was initiated on September 8, 2014 and began with the commissioning of two background studies:

  • an environmental study (including an archaeological assessment and groundwater review); and
  • a market demand study, focused on the regional and local need for employment lands.

The Terms of Reference for these studies was approved on December 1, 2014 by Council through Corporate Report No. R19.  These background studies provided key information that advised the land use planning process.​ See the South Campbell Heights Environmental Study Results.


2016 - 2017

Step 2: Developing the Plan

The development of the draft plan was supported by a community consultation process, including a stakeholder committee comprised of local landowners and representatives of environmental and community groups with interests in the area.

At the second open house information outlining the planning process, findings of the background studies, draft Planning Principles, and the proposed Land Use Concept were presented and discussed. Input was used to make final refinement to the Stage 1 land use concept which approved by Council with Corporate Report R171 in July, 2017.


2018 - 2021

Step 3: Refining the Plan

Initial Stage 1 Plan

Following Stage 1 approval of the plan, Council endorsed Corporate Report R201 which granted third reading to the necessary OCP amendments and bylaw readings that were consistent with the Stage 1 land use concept.

From there, staff prepared and submitted an application to amend the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), including potential adjustments to the Urban Containment Boundary (UCB). 

In May 2018, the Metro Vancouver Board referred the South Campbell Heights RGS amendment application back to the City of Surrey to consider alternatives. 

Revised Stage 1 Plan

On July 12, 2021, a revised Stage 1 (draft) Plan was endorsed by Surrey City Council as part of Corporate Report R147. A formal public hearing was held on July 26, 2021 on corresponding amendments to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and a corresponding Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) application was sent to be considered by the Metro Board in October 2021.

Metro Vancouver Board Approval

On January 31, 2022, the Metro Vancouver Board referred the South Campbell Heights Regional Growth Strategy Amendment back to Metro Vancouver staff for discussion of concerns raised by Metro Vancouver Board directors with the City of Surrey. 

On February 14, 2022, the City of Surrey forwarded Corporate Report R036 to the Metro Vancouver Board to address MVRD Board Comments. 

On February 25, 2022, the MVRD Board passed and adopted the Metro Vancouver Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Amendment Bylaw No. 1328, 2021, for the City of Surrey's request to redesignate South Campbell Heights Regional Land Use Designations from Rural and Mixed Employment to Conservation and Recreation, Mixed Employment, and Agriculture, and remove the Special Study Area Designation. 


Step 4: Completing the Plan (Stage 2)

Now, that the necessary Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) and the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendments are adopted, City staff are proceeding with Stage 2 of the Local Area Plan process. 

Stage 2 of the South Campbell Heights Plan includes: additional community stakeholder consultation, a detailed servicing and transportation strategy to support the approved land uses, detailed design and development policies and guidelines. Additional studies will include: an updated environmental study, Aquifer Protection Measures, Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP), Cumulative Effects (Traditional Semiahmoo First Nation Use) Assessment, and a financial and implementation strategy.

Stage 2 of the South Campbell Heights Plan and Process document is targeted to be completed for Council consideration in mid-2024. 


In September 2014, Council endorsed Corporate Report R152, which authorized staff to conduct background studies, including an environmental study, a market demand assessment and engineering servicing studies in advance of a Local Area Planning process for the South Campbell Heights Special Study Area.

In September, 2015, Council endorsed Corporate Report R187, which initiated a Local Area Planning process for the South Campbell Heights Area.

Initial Stage 1 Plan

In July 2017, Council endorsed Corporate Report R171, which approved the initial Stage 1 South Campbell Heights Land Use Plan. 

In November 2017, Council endorsed Corporate Report R201, which gave third reading to "Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2013, No. 18020, Amendment Bylaw, 2017, No. 19362", as documented in Corporate Report. The bylaw amendments proposed are related to the approval of the Stage 1 South Campbell Heights Land Use Plan adopted by City Council on July 24, 2017.

Third reading of the OCP amendment bylaw followed a public hearing which was held on the draft bylaw on October 23, 2017. An application for amendment to the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) was subsequently submitted to the Metro Vancouver Board for consideration.

Revisions to the Plan 

In May 2018, the Metro Vancouver Board referred the South Campbell Heights RGS amendment application back to the City of Surrey to consider alternates.

The City worked with Metro Vancouver staff and employment land stakeholders to create a draft revised Stage 1 plan to better respond to regional concerns. It was approved by Surrey City Council in July 2021.

A Public Hearing was held on July 26, 2021 on corresponding amendments to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and proposed Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) amendments were sent to Metro Vancouver Board for consideration in September of 2021. The Metro Vancouver Regional Planning Committee and Board considered the South Campbell Heights RGS application in the Fall of 2021. 

Metro Vancouver RGS and City OCP approvals

On January 31, 2022, Metro Vancouver directors supported a motion to refer the South Campbell Heights proposal back to Metro Vancouver staff, with instructions to discuss concerns that have been raised by the board with the City of Surrey. 

On February 14, 2022, the City of Surrey forwarded Corporate Report R036 to the Metro Vancouver Board to address MVRD Board Comments. 

On February 25, 2022, the MVRD Board adopted a Type 3 amendment to Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future (Metro 2040), the regional growth strategy, for the South Campbell Heights area. The amendment changed the regional land use designations of approximately 228 hectares of Rural land to Mixed Employment, Conservation and Recreation, and Agricultural. It redesignated approximately 13 hectares of land from Mixed Employment to Conservation and Recreation, extended the Urban Containment Boundary by approximately 223 hectares, and removed a Special Study Area overlay for this area. 

On March 7, 2022, Surrey City Council adopted the Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw, 2021, No. 20393, to align the Surrey OCP with the revised Stage 1 Land Use Plan for South Campbell Heights as identified in Corporate Report R147, and staff initiated the Stage 2 Local Area Plan Process. 

Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) update

The South Campbell Heights ISMP project team completed a background review and described existing land use conditions. The team is conducting analytical work to enhance the understanding of the Tat-A-Lu (Little Campbell River) hydraulic performance and what potential effects development of the South Campbell Heights area may have. Once this step is complete, the ISMP will identify appropriate management infrastructure strategies. Work on the ISMP began in the Spring of 2022, and is expected to wrap up later in 2023. 

Plan update

On July 24, 2023, Council endorsed Corporate Report R123 and approved minor changes to the land use plan and local road network, and provided details the outstanding Stage 2 work that is still to be completed. A Public Information Meeting was held on November 30, 2023 that shared these updates to the plan and on-going Stage 2 work.  Additional consultation and engagement with Semiahmoo First Nations, community stakeholders and the broader community will be completed before the Stage 2 Plan is adopted.

Key documents

Corporate Reports 

Stage 1 Update Corporate Report (2023-R123)
Corporate Report to Address MVRD Board Comments (2022-R036)
Stage 1 Corporate Report (2021-R147)

Land Use Maps 

Stage 1 Land Use Map - July 2023
Stage 1 Land Use Map – July 2021

Additional Resources

South Campbell Heights Environmental Supplement (July 2022)
South Campbell Heights Environmental Study (June 2015)
Regional Land Use Designation Amendment for South Campbell Heights
November 2023 Information Meeting Display Boards

Contact information

Ben Daly
Community Planning & Sustainability Division
Phone: 604-502-6025