Engineering Counter Services
Learn about the most common counter services our Engineering Department provides.
The Engineering Department's Counter Services offer many services to the residents of Surrey. However, a trip to City Hall isn't always necessary.
Here's a list of the most common requests.
Common requests
- Land Development Application: Get an overview of the land development application process in Surrey.
- Demolish & Rebuild a House: Find out how to demolish and rebuild a house in Surrey.
- Build a House with a Basement: To build a basement home, first check to see if the service connections are deep enough.
- Finding a Lot Size: To find out a lot size, go into COSMOS, Surrey's GIS mapping system, enter the address under Address Search, and then click the "Property Report" (house) icon at the top of the page.
- Insurance Certificates: The City of Surrey maintains an Insurance Certificate program to ensure that contractors and their brokers are aware of and can comply with the requirements under the contract.
- As-Constructed Drawings & Underground Infrastructure: Search for as-constructed drawings for working on underground infrastructure using COSMOS.
- Driveway Permit: See the requirements to build or widen a driveway on a single family or duplex residence in Surrey.
- Traffic Obstruction Permit: A permit is required to temporarily close any road, cycling, or pedestrian facility in the city.
- Noise Extension Bylaw Permit: A permit is required for the extension of noise when constructing, altering or demolishing any building or structure.
- Water Fill Stations: Learn where to find several water fill stations located around the city you can use during construction.
- Drinking Water Connections: View instructions on how to connect to the City's water distribution system.
- Oversize & Overweight Load Permits: Find out how to apply for an Overweight and Oversize Permit for your truck.
- Service Connections & Sewer Extensions: Find out what you need to connect your property to the sanitary sewer system.
- Filling in a Ditch: Learn how to infill or enclose a ditch in Surrey.
- Soil, Erosion & Sediment Control Permits: Learn what permits are required for soil issues and preventing erosion.
- Moving Containers and Construction Waste Bins: To place moving containers or construction waste bins on City property, a permit may be required.
- Missed Waste Collection: Find out why your cart might have been missed and report it the next business day.
Working with asbestos pipes
If you are working with, or in close proximity to, asbestos-containing cement pipes, then you must comply with WorkSafeBC requirements and submit a WorkSafeBC Notice of Project: Asbestos Form. Review the following documents for more information:
- Asbestos Cement Pipe Cutting and Handling (City of Surrey, updated 2019)
- Asbestos Cement Pipe Exposure Control Plan (City of Surrey)
- Asbestos-Containing Pipes in Municipal Underground Works Projects (WorkSafeBC)
Important documents
- Engineering Counter Fees: Find out about the fees involved for land development involving City property.
- Engineering Department Fees for City Roads and Right-of-Way Permits: The fees involved when working around City roads can be found in Schedule B of the Highway and Traffic Bylaw No. 13007, page 61. This document is updated annually.
The following information guides provide an overview of various requirements of the Surrey Engineering Department. These guides provide general information only, and City bylaws and policies shall take precedence.
- Commercial / Industrial and Multi-Family Building Permit
- CRRP As-Constructed Drawing Requirements
- Designing and Construction Works in Surrey Rights-of-Way
- Onsite Pre-Damage Meeting for Commercial or Multi-Family Residential Site Construction
- Storm / Sanitary Service Connections
- Requirements for Environmental / Geotechnical Drilling / Monitoring Permits
For more information on any of the above, contact Engineering Customer Services at or 604-591-4340.