Aerial view of Surrey City Centre

Learn more about how the City of Surrey is taking steps to streamline development and permitting. 

The City is making ongoing efforts to streamline the development and permitting process to facilitate the delivery of housing in the short and long term. Through process improvements and program initiatives, we are committed to delivering service excellence and enhancing the certainty and transparency in the permit approval process. 

Development & permitting

From the City's Action Plan aimed at increasing the housing supply, or the updates to the Zoning Bylaw to include the recent changes set out by the Province to our permitting timelines that are updated weekly, use our resources to better navigate through the development and permitting process. 

2024: a record-breaking year 

The City set a record in 2024 for housing and development, here are the key highlights: 

  • Over 2.8 billion in construction activity 
  • 6,297 in net new housing units 
  • 2,560 housing units accelerated and advanced through our incentive programs 

Process improvements & incentives

The City has implemented and introduced several enhancements to streamline the development and permitting process, including: 

Improvements to the application and permit approval process

Leveraging technology and improving access to permitting and inquiry services

Updates to bylaws

Incentive programs 

The City created two project incentives to stimulate and accelerate the development of housing units in the city: 

Simplify application forms & checklists

We've streamlined and clarified minimum submission requirements. Recently updated forms include:

Development Approval Process Improvement Task Force

Council approved the establishment of a new task force to examine the City's development and permit processes and provide advice to Council on achieving this goal.

Upcoming improvements

There are several upcoming enhancements and improvements, including:

  • In early 2025, staff will update the City's permit timelines with the development and permit approval targets on the website to reflect the expanded applicant experience approval times. 
  • Continuing to expand on technology for digital permitting and process automation and seeking to provide end-to-end permitting by the end of 2026.
  • Launch of the automated rule-based bylaw compliance tool to streamline zoning reviews. 
  • Improvements to the Certified Professional Program to provide reduced approval times. 
  • Draft new 6-storey, mid-rise, and high-rise mixed use zones. 
  • Investigate the use of preapproved plans for 6-storey buildings, ADUs and coach houses. 
  • Formalize the Development Planning pre-application framework to provide increased consistency and value to this service. 

Online tools

Get answers to your development, building, and planning questions using our online tools or request records and information through our online services. 

Online permit & inspection services 

The City remains committed to expanding our online services to provide fully online, end-to-end permitting.

Contact us

If you have any questions about these initiatives: