North Grandview Heights
Review the land use plan for the North Grandview Heights neighbourhood of South Surrey.
North Grandview Heights is the most northern neighbourhood in the Grandview Community. Although considered part of Grandview, the plan for the area predates the Grandview Heights General Land Use Plan. It is located between 28 Avenue and 32 Avenue, south of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The neighbourhood is mostly residential, characterized by large areas of suburban single family lots.
The North Grandview Plan was approved by Council in 1999. In 2005, following a community consultation process, portions of the original plan were amended. The amendments were in response to an increased demand for smaller single family lots and townhouse development.
Plan Area
The plan encompass an area of approximately 339 hectares (838 acres), generally located south of 32 Avenue, west of Hwy 15, east of 156 Street and north of 28 Avenue. The area is bordered by Rosemary Heights to the north and the rest of Grandview Heights to the south.

Background Information
In January 1999, Council approved the original Neighbourhood Concept Plan (NCP) for North Grandview Heights. The plan designated future residential lands within the area for one-acre or one-acre gross density development. It also set out the servicing and funding strategies and establishes the location of future parks, roads and major services.
In 2004 the City received an application from a number of land owners to amend the NCP. The proposed amendment, which impacted a third of total land within the NCP, was in response to changing market conditions and development patterns. In May 2004 Council endorsed Corporate Report R068 which directed staff to proceed with the necessary planning and public consultation relating to potential plan amendments.
The purpose of this report is to provide information to Council on recent requests received by City staff to revisit the North Grandview Heights NCP and to outline alternative courses of action available to address these requests.
In May 2005, Council endorsed Corporate Report C009 which approved draft amendments to the North Grandview Heights NCP. Then, in September 2005, Council endorsed Corporate Report C013 which approved final amendments to the Plan.
Key Documents
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Planning & Development
Are you considering developing or rezoning? The first step is a Pre-Application Meeting.