
Curious about all the yellow fish painted on roads throughout Surrey?

Media Release

Surrey City Council approved the award of a contract to Archistar Pty. Ltd. for an automated rule-based zoning bylaw compliance tool for a three-year term.

Media Release

Museum of Surrey will be celebrating Indigenous artists and performers from across the province.

Media Release
Museum of Surrey

During its Regular Council Meeting on Monday, Surrey City Council approved changes that relax Residential Storm Pump requirements for single-family properties.

Media Release

With free admission and activities for all ages, it’s the perfect way to celebrate Canada.

Arts & Culture


Feb 15

Imagine a tenth century Viking TED Talk! This lively show will inspire you to reclaim your own inner warrior!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre
Feb 22

A relaxed and playful interactive dance performance for young imaginations.

Presented by Surrey SPARK Stages.

Whalley & City CentreArts & Culture Children Civic Theatre
Feb 22

A relaxed and playful interactive dance performance for young imaginations.

Presented by Surrey SPARK Stages.

Whalley & City CentreArts & Culture Children Civic Theatre
Feb 26 - Mar 8

The music of Johnny Cash.

Civic Theatre Music
Mar 6

This show features the perfect combination of the piano and the harp!


Arts & Culture Civic Theatre Music Seniors
Mar 6

This show features the perfect combination of the piano and the harp!


Arts & Culture Civic Theatre Music Seniors
Mar 8

A sonic adventure with the natural world!

A Surrey SPARK Stages presentation. 


Whalley & City CentreArts & Culture Children Civic Theatre
Mar 14

Bring your friends—and your panty-liners!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre
Mar 14

Bring your friends—and your panty-liners!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre
Apr 4

Fifteen years of knitting. Ninety pounds of yarn. One man’s artistic and spiritual journey.

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre Seniors