Submit your event listing to the City of Surrey events calendar.

The City helps promote community events by listing them on our events calendar. Submit your event to let people in your neighborhood know about it!

How to submit an event

  1. Ensure your event is eligible to be listed.
  2. Fill out the form on this page.

If your event is approved, we will create a web page for your event. We will send you a link to your page.

Types of events we accept

Our calendar is for local groups who are promoting events that fit with the City's goal of being a thriving, green and inclusive city. All events submitted to our event calendar must:

  • Adhere to all public safety orders, restrictions, or guidelines
  • Take place in Surrey
  • Be free or not for profit (i.e. by donation)
  • Be open to the general public and not require membership
  • Be primarily for entertainment or leisure purposes
  • Occur one time (e.g., annually) and not be ongoing
  • Appeal to a broad number of the City's community and visitors
  • Support the City's goals, objectives, policies and bylaws
  • Be non-partisan, non-racial, non-denominational, non-sexist and non-political
  • Not be based on the sale of products or services

The City of Surrey reserves the right to decline events that don’t meet the above criteria and the right to feature events that do not meet the above criteria, yet highlight a unique aspect of the community.

Display of content on City properties and mediums does not constitute endorsement of the content by the City.

Submit your event

Submit your event details using the form below.

  • You must submit details at least 10 business days in advance but no more than two months before your event.
  • Approval can take up to three business days.

required field

Enter the name of your event.

Enter the date(s) of your event (eg. 2022-06-15).

Check here if you need to book multiple dates and times.
Enter the address of your event (eg. Surrey City Hall, 13450-104th Ave., Surrey, BC).

Choose which Surrey community the location is in.

Maximum 250 words.

We may edit the description to meet web best practices and/or the City's web writing guidelines. 

How much does the event cost to attend?

Optional. Enter a URL for people to find more information about the event.

Optional. Submit an image for your event. Images must be:

  • high resolution
  • oriented horizontally
  • must not contain text (no logos)
  • taken with a camera (no graphics, no posters)

One file only.
600 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.

Enter public contact information for this event (name, e-mail and/or phone number). 

Enter the name of the primary contact for your submission.

The personal information is being collected for the purpose of communicating events and festivals initiatives. The City of Surrey is collecting this information under s. 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Manager of Digital Communications at 13450 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 1V8, 604‑591‑4011.