City of Surrey

Learn more about our permitting timelines, established targets and find resources for your application. 

The Guaranteed Permitting Timelines program seeks to improve the speed and predictability in the land development approval process, thereby demonstrating the City’s commitment to the development industry and to improving access to housing and affordability in Surrey. The Guarantee provides confidence that the City, working in partnership with Land Development applicants, is doing everything within its power to meet the permit processing targets. 

The processing times are applicable to application submissions that are complete and fulsome. Permit processing targets for new Single-Family Dwelling, additions and renovations, new Tenant Improvement and Rezoning applications are provided as a reference.

Current processing times

Last updated: March 18, 2025

Permit Type


Processing Time


Guarantee Targets

Building Permit:
New Single Family
10.6 weeks10 weeks
Building Permit:
Addition & Renovation
(Single Family)
3.9 weeks6 weeks
Building Permit:
New Tenant Improvement
9.3 weeks10 weeks
Single Family
6.4 weeks12 weeks
Multi-Family, Commercial, &
9.4 weeks16 weeks*
Site Servicing Reviews
(related to Servicing Agreements)
3.3 weeks2.5 weeks

*Add 4 weeks for projects requiring ADP review

When does the permitting timeline guarantee start?

Single family dwelling building permit applications

Subdivision building permit processing timeline

If you are building a house on a vacant lot or a lot without any existing structures, this is referred to as a subdivision lot


Flow chart of subdivision lot processing timeline


1. Submit a complete Building Permit Application for a new subdivision lot

  • Submit your application and required documents through our online portal.

Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Starts 


2. Site servicing review 

  • The file will be forwarded directly to the Site Servicing Team for review. 

3. Plan review 

  • If all plan review requirements are fulfilled, the permit is issued. 
  • If the requirements are not fulfilled, a deficiency list is provided to the applicant to resolve
Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Ends


4. Inspections for issued permit

Infill building permit processing timeline

If you are required to demolish existing structures on a lot, then rebuild the house, this is referred to as an infill lot


Flow chart of infill building permits processing timeline


1. Submit a complete Building Permit Application for a new infill lot

2. Referrals and site servicing review 

  • Staff sends referrals to Building Inspections and Drainage sections for review and comments. 
    • If a section approves the submitted documents and drawings, the file will proceed to the next referral. 
    • If a section does not approve the submitted documents and drawings, staff will contact the applicant for revisions. 

Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Starts 

3. Plan review

  • If all plan review requirements are fulfilled, the permit is issued. 
  • If the requirements are not fulfilled, a deficiency list is provided to the applicant to resolve.
Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Ends

4. Inspections for issued permit

Addition & renovation permit processing timeline


Diagram of the processing timeline for addition and renovation permits


1. Submit a complete Building Permit Application

2. Referrals and site servicing review 

  • Staff sends referrals to Building Inspections and Drainage sections for review and comments. 
    • If a section approves the submitted documents and drawings, the file will proceed to the next referral. 
    • If a section does not approve the submitted documents and drawings, staff will contact the applicant for revisions. 


3. Plan review

  • If all plan review requirements are fulfilled, the permit is issued. 
  • If the requirements are not fulfilled, a deficiency list is provided to the applicant to resolve.

4. Inspections for issued permit

Tenant improvement building permit applications

Tenant improvement permit processing timeline
Flow chart of tenant improvement permit processing time


1. Submit a complete Building Permit Application for a new Tenant Improvement

Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Starts

2. Plan review

  • If all plan review requirements are fulfilled, the permit is issued. 
  • If the requirements are not fulfilled, a deficiency list is provided to the applicant to resolve. 
Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Ends


3. Inspections of issued permit

Rezoning applications

Rezoning application processing timeline
Processing time flow chart of a rezoning application


1. Rezoning application intake

2. Initial review of application

  • A preliminary review is conducted to address any major issues and deficiencies and these are provided to the applicant to resolve. 

Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Starts

3. Internal and external referrals

4. Advisory Design Panel ("ADP")

  • If applicable

5. Public notification and Council introduction

1st and 2nd Reading

Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Ends

6. Council final approval

Site servicing reviews (related to servicing agreements)

Site servicing reviews processing timeline

Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Starts


1. Drawing(s) submitted  

2. Drawing(s) reviewed and comments provided 

  • Each drawing iteration is reviewed and comments are provided by the City to the developer's engineer via the City of Surrey MFT Site


Guaranteed Permitting Timeline Ends


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Does the timeline start when I submit my application?

No, the timeline does not begin when you submit your application. 

  • Single-Family Dwelling: after referrals and a complete site servicing review. 
  • Tenant Improvement: after a complete and accurate building permit application is submitted.
  • Rezoning: after the initial review and resolution of all major deficiencies. 
  • Site Servicing Reviews (related to Servicing Agreements): the latter of when the Project Scoping drawings are submitted or when the Engineering Processing Fee is paid. 

See "When Does the Permitting Timeline Guarantee Start?" for when timelines start for Single-Family Dwelling applications, Tenant Improvement applications, Rezoning applications and Site Servicing Reviews (related to Servicing Agreements). 

Are there exceptions to the permitting timeline?

Yes, there are exceptions:

  • Incomplete application submissions do not qualify for the permitting timeline. To ensure your application is accurate, complete the checklist pertaining to the type of application you are submitting.
  • New Federal, Provincial, or municipal requirements triggering additional requirements not grandfathered.
  • Applicant requesting project changes, triggering additional staff reviews or new requirements.
  • New legal deficiencies are identified, including illegal and non-permitted activities.
  • Significant concerns raised by external referral agencies.
  • Significant public opposition to a project.


  • Any rezoning application proposing or requiring plan amendments is excluded from the Guaranteed Permitting Timelines. 
How are the current processing times calculated?

Current processing times are calculated based on an average of permits processed from the last 30 days for Single-Family Dwelling Building Permits, renovations and additions, Tenant Improvement Building Permits and Site Servicing Reviews (related to Servicing Agreements) and 6 months for Rezoning applications. 

If the City is closed for extended breaks such as the December holiday break or Council breaks for Rezoning applications, then this is accounted for in the processing times.

How often are the processing times updated on the website?

The processing times are updated weekly. 

Are City staff solely responsible for meeting the permitting processing times?

No, the responsibility does not lie solely with City staff. The processing times are achieved when City staff and applicants work in partnership throughout the permitting process. 

I submitted a complete application and the permitting timeline guarantee was not met. What does this mean for my application?

The Guaranteed Permitting Timeline does not provide fixed-time permit issuance on all applications. Staffing levels, resources, and timelines will be continually assessed while the applicant and City staff must work in partnership throughout the permitting process to achieve success. 

If an applicant submits a complete and accurate application and the permitting timeline guarantee is not met, then the file will be a priority to review and resolve. 

How can I ensure my application meets the requirements for the Guaranteed Permitting Timeline program?

The best practice to ensure your application will be successful in meeting the permitting processing times is to submit complete and accurate applications. If requirements are not fulfilled, then this will require further communication between staff and applicant and longer processing times.

My permit type isn't listed above. Can I refer to the permit processing times for my project?

At this time, the permit processing times apply to new Single-Family Dwelling (subdivision and infill), renovations and additions, new Tenant Improvement and Rezoning applications. 

Other permit types or revisions are not included within the permit processing guarantee. However, staff continue to work diligently and efficiently on processing all types of permit applications.