Credit: Photocredit: Georgia Kirkos, Jorjas Photography.
The Knitting Pilgrim
Fifteen years of knitting. Ninety pounds of yarn. One man’s artistic and spiritual journey.
Date & time
Tickets & pricing
Tickets: $39
- This show is also a part of the Adventures in Theatre Series.
Written by Kirk Dunn & Claire Ross Dunn
Directed by Jennifer Tarver
The Knitting Pilgrim is the story of Kirk Dunn, an ordinary guy, who happens to be an extraordinary knitter— with a lot of questions. On his quest to find answers, Kirk knits three huge tapestries...that take him fifteen years to finish. This multidisciplinary one-man show combines storytelling, image/video projection, and three huge, knitted panels that look like stained glass windows, breathtaking to behold in person. Exploring the complex connection among the Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the show delves into Kirk’s artistic and spiritual journey hand-knitting this astounding project. A three-time Fringe pick show that’s been seen over eighty times in Canada, Germany, Austria, and the US. Laugh along, be amazed, moved, and inspired!
Audience advisory: knitting in the audience is encouraged!