Find City of Surrey bylaws and see how they impact the lives of our citizens.

About Surrey bylaws
A bylaw is a document that describes rules, regulations and requirements for the conduct of the City, residents of the City and those who visit the City. They are an extension of the laws put in place at a higher level of government, and serve to clarify but not contradict those laws.
Our bylaw library contains downloadable, printable copies of municipal bylaws. Use the search tool below to find a specific bylaw or browse the most commonly accessed bylaws.
In some instances, bylaws have been consolidated for easier interpretation. Consolidated bylaws are convenience copies, and while we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the bylaws on our website, it is advisable to refer to the original bylaw and amendment bylaws.
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Use the search below to find PDF copies of the City's bylaws. You can filter results by using a bylaw number or keyword and by the category (type of bylaw).
If you are looking for Comprehensive Development Bylaws or Local Area Service Bylaws, contact the City Clerk's office at
Surrey Municipal Heritage Sites Designation Bylaw, 1980, No. 6442
Former Municipal Hall, St. Helens, Elgin Hall and School, Anglican Christ Church and Cemetery, Loyal Orange Lodge Hall, Bothwell Park, Hazelmere United ChurchHeritage BylawSurrey Mobile Homes and Trailer Regulation and Control By-law, 1980, No. 6142
A By-law to regulate and control the location, use and occupancy of mobile homes and trailers, to establish minimum standards governing the construction and maintenance of mobile home parks and tourist trailer parksZoning BylawZoning Bylaw 5942 (pre 12000)
Zoning Bylaw 5942 (pre 12000). Consolidated. 2010.Zoning BylawSurrey Tree Cutting bylaw, 1979, No. 5835
A bylaw to regulate the cutting of trees on city owned propertiesRegulatory Bylaw, Trees and Related Land BylawsRemoval Of Trees And Shrubs Dangerous To Public Safety bylaw, 1978, No. 5475
A bylaw to provide for the removing, cutting down, or trimming of any trees, shrubs, hedges, or bushes, growing or standing on lands adjacent to a highwayRegulatory Bylaw, Trees and Related Land BylawsSurrey Electrical Connection Regulation bylaw, 1976, No. 4726
A bylaw to regulate the installation of electrical wiring and equipment and accessories of every nature and kindRegulatory bylaw, Building & DevelopmentSurrey Curfew bylaw, 1975, No. 4659
A bylaw to regulate the time or times during each day during which children shall not be on the streets without proper guardianship, and the age or apparent age under which they shall be required to be in their homes at the hour appointedRegulatory bylaw, Community BylawSurrey Private Swimming Pool Fencing Regulation bylaw, 1975, No. 4450
A bylaw to require the fencing of private swimming poolsRegulatory bylaw, Building & DevelopmentSurrey Percentage Addition Bylaw, 1974, No. 4422
Regulatory bylaw, Fees and Taxes BylawsSurrey Bee Keeping bylaw, 1974, No. 4362
A bylaw to regulate the keeping of beesRegulatory bylaw, Animal WildlifeContact
If you have a question about a bylaw, or to report a bylaw infraction, contact our Bylaw Enforcement team at 604-591-4370 or
For help locating a specific version of a bylaw, please contact the the Legislative Services Department at
Learn more about reporting common property use bylaw infractions.