Find City of Surrey bylaws and see how they impact the lives of our citizens.

About Surrey bylaws
A bylaw is a document that describes rules, regulations and requirements for the conduct of the City, residents of the City and those who visit the City. They are an extension of the laws put in place at a higher level of government, and serve to clarify but not contradict those laws.
Our bylaw library contains downloadable, printable copies of municipal bylaws. Use the search tool below to find a specific bylaw or browse the most commonly accessed bylaws.
In some instances, bylaws have been consolidated for easier interpretation. Consolidated bylaws are convenience copies, and while we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the bylaws on our website, it is advisable to refer to the original bylaw and amendment bylaws.
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Use the search below to find PDF copies of the City's bylaws. You can filter results by using a bylaw number or keyword and by the category (type of bylaw).
If you are looking for Comprehensive Development Bylaws or Local Area Service Bylaws, contact the City Clerk's office at
Vehicle Licensing bylaw, 1983, No. 7778
A bylaw to provide for the licensing of or exemption from licensing of commercial vehiclesRegulatory bylaw, BusinessSurrey Municipal Heritage Sites Designation Bylaw, 1983, No. 7716
Portion of Crescent Road to King George Highway to Bayview StreetHeritage BylawSurrey Municipal Heritage Sites Designation Bylaw, 1983, No. 7498
St. Oswald's Church. 19016 - 96 AvenueHeritage BylawSurrey Municipal Heritage Sites Designation Bylaw, 1982, No. 7355
Hall House. 11113 - 148 StreetHeritage BylawSurrey Municipal Heritage Sites Designation Bylaw, 1982, No. 7289
1881 Municipal Hall. North-east corner 176 Street and 60 AveHeritage BylawSurrey Animal Compensation bylaw, 1982, No. 7065
A bylaw to provide for the payment of compensation to the owner of any domestic animal killed or injured by a dogRegulatory bylaw, Animal WildlifeSurrey Noise Control bylaw, 1982, No. 7044
A bylaw to regulate noise within the City of SurreyRegulatory bylaw, Community BylawAdvance Payment of Taxes bylaw, 1982, No. 7022
A bylaw to provide for the acceptance by the Collector of monies to be applied at a future date in payment of taxesRegulatory bylaw, Fees and Taxes BylawsSurrey Holiday Shopping Regulation bylaw, 1981, No. 6900
A bylaw to permit specified retail businesses to remain open for business on a holidayRegulatory bylaw, Community BylawSurrey Plumbing bylaw, 1981, No. 6569
A bylaw to amend the administration of enforcement of the British Columbia Plumbing Code.Regulatory bylaw, Building & DevelopmentContact
If you have a question about a bylaw, or to report a bylaw infraction, contact our Bylaw Enforcement team at 604-591-4370 or
For help locating a specific version of a bylaw, please contact the the Legislative Services Department at
Learn more about reporting common property use bylaw infractions.