The City plans to make road improvements on 96 Avenue between 114 Street and 120 Street.

Project description

96 Avenue is an important east-west link serving both North Surrey and North Delta residents. 

The City of Surrey and Delta plan to co-deliver improvements along 96 Avenue between 114 Street and 120 Street to improve road safety, traffic flow, and neighbourhood access.

Key improvements include the following:

  • multi-use paths along both sides of the road to make it easier and safer to cycle and walk in the neighbourhood
  • streetlights to increase visibility and safety
  • improvements at 116 Street intersection to improve neighbourhood access and traffic flow
  • on-street parking pockets where possible

Project timeline

Improvements will be made in phases:

Phase 1: 116 Street to 120 Street
Construction is anticipated to begin spring 2025 and be completed in 2025

Phase 2: 114 Street to 116 Street 
Construction to be determined in the future.

Project design

View presentation drawings for detailed information on planned improvements for 96 Avenue. 

This information was shared at the Public Information Meeting hosted by the City of Delta on October 30, 2024. Thanks to those who attended the meeting and those who couldn't attend but emailed their comments. Your feedback will be reviewed and incorporated where feasible. 


If you have questions or comments, please contact the Project Delivery Division at 604-591-425 or