Bear and Quibble Creek Sewer Pipes
We're installing new sewer pipes to serve our growing communities.
Project description
We're installing approximately 2,900m of sewer pipes to better serve the growth occurring in City Centre and Newton.
Sewage from parts of City Centre and Newton currently flows south and through an old sewer line that runs parallels to Bear Creek. The aging Bear Creek sewer line was constructed around 1970 and is now too small for the growing population. The new Bear Creek and Quibble Creek sewer lines will provide an alternative to the existing line. Read more information Corporate Report.
Project location
The Bear Creek and Quibble Creek sewer lines will be constructed in a shared trench through Holland Park and along 134 Street by A.H.P. Matthew Elementary School and near Queen Elizabeth Secondary School.
The Bear Creek (1) and Quibble Creek (2) sewer lines are indicated in the image below.

We will begin construction on the Holland Park segment in December 2024. This section is scheduled for completion by Spring 2025, ahead of any special events planned in the park. The remaining work will follow, with a projected completion by the end of Summer 2025.
We also plan to replace the Quibble Creek pump station in late 2025 or 2026 as part of a separate construction contract. The pump station plays a key role in directing wastewater flow north.
Construction impacts
Holland Park and the schools will remain open during construction. While the project will not impact trees in the park, there will be some minimal impacts to landscaping.
Expect traffic disruptions along 134 Street so please allow extra time for your commute in this area. Follow directions from traffic personnel and detour signs.
If you have questions or comments, please contact the Project Delivery Division at 604-591-4253 or