City of Surrey
Drone aerial shot of intersection

The City plans to build a roundabout at the intersection of Crescent Road and 128 Street to improve traffic flow.

Project Description

The City plans to replace the all-way stop at the intersection of Crescent Road and 128 Street with a roundabout.

The roundabout will help improve traffic movement in the area. This intersection has seen considerable growth in traffic volumes in recent years causing line-ups and traffic delays, especially during peak summer season.

Summary of Improvements

Improvements will consist of the following:

  • A roundabout to reduce congestion and keep traffic moving 
  • Sidewalks leading to the intersection and transit stops for safer pedestrian access
  • Landscaping in the roundabout island

About Roundabouts

  • Roundabouts help reduce conflicts between vehicles and virtually eliminate the most severe crash types – right-angled and left-turn collisions. Slow speeds are required when entering traffic circles, which reduces the frequency and severity of crashes that may occur.
  • Roundabouts reduce the distance and time pedestrians need to cross, while also enhancing safety.

Project Timing

Project construction is anticipated to start in early 2025 subject to Council approval. Dates will be shared as they become available.

Project Design 

Images below show the areal view and cross section of the conceptual design for the intersection.


If you have questions or comments, please contact the Design & Construction Division at 604-591-4253 or