Find out what to do if your recycling, garbage, or organics cart was not picked up. 

When to report a missed collection

If your waste collection carts were missed, contact us the next business day. If you do not report a missed collection within this time, your missed carts may not be collected.

Our waste collection contractor works from 7:30am to 7:30pm, so please leave your carts out during this time to ensure service.

Report a missed collection online

The quickest way to let us know.

Reasons your cart might have been missed

The cart wasn't out during collection hours (7:30am–7:30pm)

Collection vehicles are out from 7:30am to 7:30pm. Collection times may vary each week, and routes can change unexpectedly.

To ensure collection

  • Place your carts curbside before 7:30am and leave them out until 7:30pm.
  • Collection vehicles will not return for carts placed out late.
  • If your cart is not collected by 7:30pm, report a missed collection the next business day.
There was too much material in the cart

We do not collect overflowing carts because garbage can spill out onto the street when it is collected.

The cart was blocked

We do not collect carts that are too close to a car, tree or another cart. We do not want to damage waste collection vehicles or private property.

Ensure proper spacing between the carts and all other obstacles

Ensure the carts are at least:

  • 1 meter (3 feet) away from any object (light pole, fence, hydrant, tree, or other carts);
  • 3 meters (10 feet) of clearance above the cart; and
  • 1.5 meters (5 feet) from parked vehicles.

More cart positioning instructions

  • Remove or cut back any hedges or branches to provide clearance.
  • Wherever possible, place carts on opposite sides of your driveway.
  • Position your cart so it opens towards the street. The handle should be facing your property and the wheels should be against the edge of the curb.
There were unacceptable items in the cart
  • Remove any unacceptable items.
  • Do not use plastic bags in recycling or organics carts (even if marked biodegradable or compostable).

Review what is accepted in each cart.

It was the wrong cart

We collect:

  • Organics: every week
  • Recyclables: every two weeks, alternating with garbage collection
  • Garbage: every two weeks, alternating with recyclables collection

There are no garbage trucks on the road during recycling week, and vice versa.

See collection schedules.


You can also report a missed collection by phone at 604-590-7289.