Electrical Inspections
Learn more about how to request an electrical inspection, accessing the daily inspection schedule and how to cancel your inspection.
Request an inspection
By using our online inspection request tool for your electrical inspection, you can:
- Request an inspection
- View inspection prerequisites
- View inspection details
- View and download your inspection slips
- View inspection results
- Make online payments
Inspections are automatically scheduled for the following business day if booked before 3:00pm.
Before you request an inspection, review the types of permits that are excluded from the online request tool.
- Electrical operating permits and temporary entertainment permits: you are required to submit a Contractor Authorization Form to e.inspections@surrey.ca.
- Homeowner permits: you are required to submit the Homeowner Authorization Form to e.inspections@surrey.ca.
- For more information on registering for online services, including how to request and view your inspection, review the online portal registration guide.
- All other electrical permit types can request an inspection using the online tool:
Personal Information is collected for the purpose of administering the City’s electrical inspections program and for processing directly related applications. The City of Surrey is collecting personal information in accordance with section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Should you have any questions or concerns about the collection of your personal information please contact the Planning and Development Business Services Manager, 13450 104 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3T 1V8 planningdevelopment@surrey.ca.
Cancel an inspection
To cancel your inspection, email electrical@surrey.ca with your permit number before 9:40am. The email must be from your online registered email address or an official company email address.
Daily inspection schedule
The daily inspection schedule is available online, updated daily after 9:40am on each business day. Refer to the Inspections Area Map to locate the appropriate area list.
If you inspection request address is not on the schedule, your call may have been deferred to the next business day.
After your inspection
Following your inspection, if you have questions or would like to discuss with the inspector responsible for your inspection, please send us an email. The inspector’s email address is available on the inspection slip provided at the end of the inspection.
Site access & special considerations
Special consideration is given to specific dates when site access details are relevant to a priority date (e.g., "Work with Hydro").
It is preferred that the requesting Field Safety Representative (FSR) discuss access arrangements with the Electrical Safety Officer (ESO). The ESO may have technical or inspection relevant questions for signing the FSR.
Your inspection request may be delayed if:
- There are outstanding fees owing, such as a re-inspection fee or permit extension fee.
- The contractor is not in good standing with the Technical Safety BC.
- There are Bylaw Violations or Stop Work Orders placed on property.
Your inspection results can be affected if:
- Work covered without inspections will be required to be exposed. Electrical work is not to be inaccessible (by lathing, boarding, or other building construction) until it has been accepted by the inspection department.
- The scope of work requires a building permits.
- The scope of work is inaccurate. (An Amendment Form would be required).
- The permit conditions are not met.
- The permit value is deemed too low for the scope of work described. Additional documentation may be required as proof of job value.
- The contractor is working outside of the scope allowed by their FSR classification.
Inspection status types & definitions
- Passed: Site is approved to continue to next phase.
- Passed, Hydro Connection Required: Requested service is OK to be energized. Current permit is issued to BC Hydro.
- Passed with Deficiencies: OK to proceed to next phase. FSR required to review items identified by ESO.
- Accepted on Declaration: This attempt result is not included in ECPM performance tracking.
(Re-call required. Re-attendance to be determined by the ESO.)
- Failed: A reinspection for deficiencies corrected is required for review by the ESO.
- Failed. Compliance Order Issued: This attempt result is not included in ECPM performance tracking. This status update primarily pertains to property owners and operators.
- Failed. Re-inspection fee applied: A reinspection for deficiencies corrected is required for review by the ESO. E.g., site conditions confirm the FSR did not personally review before submitting declaration of compliance.
- Failed. Hazard Identified. Re-inspection fee: A hazardous “as found condition” has been identified and requires immediate remediation. E.g., an energized open conductor is found by a safety officer where a possible fire and shock hazard has been identified on a field review.
- Failed. Insufficient Submission: In-office review. 5 of these status updates = 1 non-compliance identified in ECPM. Technical details on the submitted declaration do not meet the permit scope/details or conditions. This is identified by the ESO prior to attendance.
(These status updates are not included in ECPM performance tracking.)
- Cancelled: A request has been cancelled by a contractor or was incorrectly booked.
- Deferred: The request has been deferred to the next business day for review by the ESO.
Please note: ECPM refers to the Electrical Contractor Performance Monitoring program currently being piloted on Single Family Dwelling Electrical Permits. Sentences regarding ECPM do not pertain to other permit types.
Managing your permit
Review the process for making changes to your permit or cancelling your permit. Additional documentation and fees will apply.
Making changes to your application or issued permit
A Permit Amendment Form is required for any changes to applications or issued permits.
Once an electrical contractor pays for an application through the portal, revisions must be done through this process.
- Complete the Permit Amendment Form. Ensure "total value of installation" is the new total value of all work.
- Upload the Permit Amendment Form to your electrical permit application through the portal.
- In the application or permit record, click detail.
- Go to the supporting documents tab and click add to choose Amendment Form.
- Select upload document.
Our system will alert us to your upload. There is no need to contact us.
An administrative fee is applied for any amendment after we have officially reviewed the file as per the Electrical Bylaw. The fee must be paid before you can proceed to inspections.
Cancelling your permit
To cancel an electrical permit application or an issued electrical permit, the electrical contractor must contact as soon as possible.
- Email electrical@surrey.ca from your registered email address or an email address from the same company.
- In the subject line must include:
- App number or permit number
- Site address
- Include the following in your email:
- Clear direction that you wish to cancel the permit
- Include up to the last known inspected work you have performed
For your information
- A refund or partial refund may be applied depending on the age of the application or permit. A $25.00 fee is charge by Finance for all refund requests.
- Once inspections are performed, a refund cannot be applied.
- Stay informed of your permit status and communicate with us. If you do not close your permit before the expiry date, fees will be applied.