Park Cleanups
Make an impact by helping clean litter from a park near you!
Make a difference in your community! Parks staff lead these events at various parks through the spring, summer and fall. Come out to help keep our parks clean and build a greener, healthier, and safer community.
If you are a large group that is interested in participating in a park clean up, please visit Our City for information about Neighbourhood Cleanup Kits.
How to join
Drop by while we're at the park, or sign up ahead of time as a registered City of Surrey volunteer.
Look for a tent and staff in the park. We will check you in and get you started.

Registered volunteers with the City of Surrey can sign up through their MyImpactPage account. Volunteers can log hours, gain new skills and make a difference!
How to sign-up to attend as a volunteer:
- Go to MyImpactPage.
- Log-in to your MyImpactPage or create an account.
- By creating a MyImpactPage account you will become a registered volunteer with the City of Surrey.
- Review the volunteer position.
- Sign up for your desired Park Cleanup session.
What we provide
- Safety training
- Litter pickers
- Litter collection buckets or bags
- Gloves
What to bring
Comfortable clothing
Close toed-shoes (no sandals or Crocs!)
Water in your reusable bottle
For questions regarding park cleanups:
- Email:
- Phone: (604) 501-5050