Discover Adventure with Summer Day Camps in Surrey
Early registration for City of Surrey Summer Day Camps begins on Sunday, April 23 at 9pm. Children and youth ages 3 to 18 can have fun and enjoy weekly camps, available citywide.
Surrey, B.C. – Early registration for City of Surrey Summer Day Camps begins on Sunday, April 23 at 9pm. Children and youth ages 3 to 18 can have fun and enjoy weekly camps, available citywide.
Parents and guardians can keep children busy while school’s out with two-hour, half-day and full-day camps. Fun Zone day camps will only be offered at select locations. A variety of sports, visual arts and performing arts camps are available, among others. A complete list of camps can be found in the City’s Summer Day Camp Guide, which is available online or you can pick up a printed version at recreation facilities and libraries.
“Each summer, we look forward to providing children with fun and affordable day camps in a fully supervised and safe environment,” said Carla Colquhoun, manager of children’s programming. “Best of all, day camps allow children to explore their interests, develop new skills, and make friends.”
Registration can be completed online, in person or by phone at 604-501-5100. To improve users’ online registration experience, the City will simplify the login process and provide a secure registration redirect link from our Broad Search tool to help stabilize high volumes of traffic on surrey.ca.
The City also has a flexible payment option which allows parents or guardians to pay 50% of camp fees upon registration, and the remaining balance on the first day of camp. For more information about Summer Day Camps and to register online, visit surrey.ca/daycamps.