This street banner design responds to both 2021 UNESCO themes: the Year of Peace and Trust and the Year of Fruit and Vegetables. 

2021 street banners by Nicoletta Baumeister
2021 street banners by Nicoletta Baumeister

Artist: Nicoletta Baumeister
Category: Temporary public art: street banners
Year Installed: 2021

About Seed/Flower/Fruit/Vegetable

Baumeister's design is built on a geometric framework of overlapping circles referred to as the “Seed of Life”. The structure of all fruits and vegetables, including their seeds and flowers, are to be found in this design. Moreover, the overlapping elements represent commonality and communication: the building blocks of trust.  

Baumeister writes, “The history of mankind confirms that a major, if not sole, root cause of discord and war, is the struggle for resources…Peace can only exist if we seek it not only with our fellow humans, but also with the environment from which all resources come.” For Baumeister, peace relies on the state of our immediate and existential interconnectivity with land, water, and air. She says, “The state of peacefulness contains Trust, Safety, Openness, Calm, Balance, Rhythm, Growth, Creativity, Joy.”  

About the artist

Nicoletta Baumeister lives in South Surrey and has exhibited throughout the Lower Mainland. Her current work explores themes related to how we perceive reality.