Father Christmas in the Pole Barn

Home to a newcomer family in the early 1900s, Historic Stewart Farm is yours to explore.

Inside the Farmhouse

See what it was like to live in a rural Surrey farmhouse in the early 1900s. The house is yours to explore and to let your mind travel back in time. Take a virtual tour before you visit.

Tour the Grounds

Take your time to adventure on your own during the dawn to dusk Elgin Heritage Park hours. Use the map and onsite storyboards to see the garden, building exteriors and a glimpse inside the pole barn and the vintage farm equipment housed there.

Peek in the farmhouse windows and relax on a park bench to imagine life on a busy farm at the turn of the last century. While here, walk the park trails to discover the natural wonders of this area, including the river, forest and plants and animals that call it home. Enlarge the printable map.

Aerial map of the grounds


We are committed to providing accessible and inclusive services, programs and opportunities.

  • There is a ramp on the west side of the farmhouse leading to the verandah.
  • Park washrooms are accessible with automatic doors and accessible stalls and counters.
  • A washroom in Stewart Hall is wheelchair accessible.
  • The surrounding trails are packed gravel and the buildings are all accessible on the first floor.

The heritage site presents some challenges one would expect from a historic farm, including:

  • Some uneven paths on the grounds and in the gravel walkway through the pole barn
  • Lighting is dim in both the pole barn and farmhouse, especially on cloudy days
  • There is no elevator in the farmhouse to the second floor
  • Transit options are limited