a garden with flowers and grass

An opportunity for generations to engage in dialogue and to explore differences and similarities between seniors and youth.

Intergenerational Connections

Are you interested in building intergenerational connections in the community? Through participating in engaging activities of similar interest, seniors and youth can share their knowledge and experience with each other. Through engaging activities, participants can explore their differences as well as similarities, listen to, learn from each other, and build connections.  

For more information about the Intergenerational Connections project or sign up for activities, contact stella.au@surrey.ca 


Guildford Social Gathering

a project of banners and collages with hands and various inspirational messages

Upcoming workshops

Join us to work on community projects that will be implemented in the Guildford neighbourhood. The social gatherings will facilitate conversations and activities exploring social and cultural connections in the community. If you are 55+ and live in and around the Guildford area, we would love to hear about your unique experiences.

June 28 at 12:30pm-2:30pm at Guildford Recreation Centre

Register for June 28


Contact agefriendlyforseniors@surrey.ca for more information

Textile Dye Garden at the Museum of Surrey

two people work on weaving in the textile garden

Address: Museum of Surrey - 17710 56A Avenue

Are you curious about what plants can provide the colours and fibre for our clothing? Did you know we can grow certain types of plants that can be used to create natural dyes for textiles? Join us on the Museum of Surrey campus and experience a unique opportunity to create a Textile Dye Garden!

Sharon Kallis of EartHand Gleaners Society will be leading conversations around plant selection for a diverse array of both colour and fibres. Through interactive workshops and in-person hands-on activities discover how we all share the cultural legacy of how plants have been an integral component of history and evolution of our clothing.

Volunteer at the garden

Do you have a passion for textiles? Would you like to learn more about textiles? Sign up to become a volunteer and help maintain Surrey’s Textile Dye Garden at the Museum of Surrey (17710 56A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 5H8).

We are looking for passionate individuals with a desire to learn or develop skills, and to promote the unique textile experiences provided. If you would like to spend time with textile experts and others who contribute to the magic of textiles, fill out the volunteer application form!

Tasks include:

  • Assisting in the delivery of hands-on programs
  • Assisting the workshop leader during specific events
  • Garden maintenance on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays (1 hour per month)

As a Garden Assistant, you can:

  • Receive free lab time to observe textile work.
  • Gain knowledge of plants, gardening and textile techniques
  • Have the opportunity to observe textile instruments at work.

Sign up to volunteer

Garden of Generations

The Garden of Generations has moved to The Plot located at 71st Avenue and 137A Street, behind the Newton Arena, for more information - The PLOT Sharing Garden invites all to contribute, harvest, share and enjoy!

Program funding

The Connecting Generations initiative and the Walkit Web Map Activity Program are made possible through the Surrey Intercultural Senior Social Inclusion Partnership Network, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada, under the New Horizons for Seniors Program, which:

  • consists of organizations from different sectors
  • is a collective impact initiative multi-partner approach
  • aims to address systemic barriers of social inclusion faced by seniors 55+
  • supports an interculturally inclusive and engaged community

The core network consists of the backbone organizations:

  • Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS)
  • Seniors Come Share Society
  • Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association (FRAFCA)
Surrey Intercultural Seniors Social Inclusion Logo
Government of Canada Funding


Have a question or comment about one of these initiatives? Reach us at agefriendlyforseniors@surrey.ca.