Surrey Transportation Plan
We are developing a new Surrey Transportation Plan that will be rooted in the community and for the community. Help us shape our transportation future.
Surrey is a dynamic city that is growing quickly. The ability to connect people and places efficiently and safely has a direct impact on our citizens quality of life and local economy. We need a new transportation plan to address continued growth, and transportation changes both within the city and regionally.
The process of developing the plan is as important as the plan itself. We need to listen to, and learn from, our community and stakeholders who are going to live the solution so together we can make sure the plan fits our community’s needs and sets us up for long-term success.
Our choices involve trade-offs and have consequences. By working together, challenging old ideas and being creative, we can face our transportation future head-on and achieve Surrey’s vision of a thriving, green, inclusive city.
The new Surrey Transportation Plan will focus on addressing the climate crisis, prioritizing safety, balancing equity and leveraging new technology. It will include a long-range vision, articulate a decision-making framework and identify transportation priorities for the next 10 years.
The plan is based on 5 pillars:
- Grow the transportation network
- Prioritize human life above all else
- Tackle the climate crisis
- Innovate through technology and new mobility
- Balance equity
Phase 1 - Fall 2020
Sharing Information, Defining the Context & Building Excitement
This phase focused on sharing information about key elements of the new Surrey Transportation Plan, the project goals, timelines and opportunities to participate.
Phase 2 - Fall 2020
Community Values + Current Surrey Experience
This phase focused on engaging the community and stakeholders on understanding what’s important to them – i.e. the opportunities and challenges they face related to transportation, and how they define success moving forward.
Phase 3 - Spring & Summer 2021
Feedback on Potential Key Approaches
This phase engaged the community and stakeholders on evaluating potential priorities, seeking feedback on a Big Vision and four Bold Moves to address the five pillars. Through this process, participants were shown the trade-offs and asked to provide feedback on options developed based on what we learned in Phase 2.
Phase 4 - Spring and Summer 2023
Refinement & Confirmation
This phase will focus on receiving feedback on the draft 2050 Key Targets and 2030 Interim Targets. It will identify key actions and trade-offs and potential concerns or points for clarification prior to the plan going to Council for decision.
Make the shift!
Give us your feedback on the proposed targets for 2050, including interim targets for 2030 and trade-off options, and help shape how we invest in transportation in the future.
Phase 2 Engagement Results
Understanding Community Values
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Surrey Transportation Plan Understanding Community Values Survey in fall 2020. The goal of this phase of engagement was to hear from residents, businesses and stakeholders about their travel today, including what is working well and what can be improved, as well as their priorities for the future.
View the Phase 2 Engagement Summary to learn what we heard, including the 10 major themes that emerged.
Phase 3 Engagement Results
Big Vision, Bold Moves
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Surrey Transportation Plan Big Vision, Bold Moves Public Survey in summer 2021. The goal of this phase of engagement was to hear from residents, businesses and stakeholders about their level of support for the Big Vision and four Bold Moves, including trade-offs to achieve the Vision.
View the Phase 3 Engagement Summary to learn what we heard, including the results of an additional scientific probability survey.