Yorkshire Terrier dog

Learn what to do if you have lost your pet, found a pet or if your pet gets brought to the shelter.

I lost my pet

If you have lost your pet, use the methods below to aid in your search.

Check our website
Call the shelter

Contact the shelter at 604-574-6622.

Update microchip information

If your pet is microchipped, call the company and report your pet as lost, and make sure your contact information is updated and accurate.

Update license information

If your pet has a Surrey pet license call us at (604) 574-6622 between 11am and 5pm and staff can help you make sure your contact information is correct.

Search and post online

Craigslist is the most commonly used website for posting lost and found pets, but neighborhood blogs and groups are also very helpful. Here are several that have been effective in returning lost pets to their homes:

Missing Animal Response provides specific, in-depth tips and techniques for creating a search plan based on your pet's personality and behavior, as well as excellent guidelines for producing effective lost posters and fliers. https://www.missinganimalresponse.com/

Search and post in person
  • Post fliers at local veterinarians' offices and stores that allow community posts.
  • Give fliers to mail carriers and delivery persons, and go door-to-door in the area where the pet was lost.
Contact other shelters

While animals found in Surrey should be brought to the Surrey Animal Resource Centre, it is possible your pet could have been taken to another local shelter. If your pet was lost anywhere near the border with Delta or Langley, you should check with other shelters.

Once your pet has been found

  • Call or email the shelter to pull your lost pet report.
  • Update your online postings.
  • Remove all flyers you have posted.

Stray animals at the shelter

Lost pets brought to the Surrey Animal Resource Centre are held for four calendar days. Our Facebook page is updated daily. After the stray hold, animals will be evaluated for appropriate outcome.

How to redeem

Where to redeem (claim) your pet

If your animal is picked up (impounded), it will be brought to the shelter. If your pet is impounded by the City of Surrey, you will need to contact the Surrey Animal Resource Centre at 604-574-6622 during business hours to claim your pet.

To determine if your pet is at the shelter, you can view animals on our Facebook page: see the links above.

What you need to redeem (claim) your pet

You will need to provide the following to redeem your lost pet:

  1. Proof of ownership, which can include:
    • Adoption or purchase paperwork
    • Vet records with both the dog and owners’ information
  2. Government-issued picture ID with current address. If your address is not current, please provide paperwork with proof of current address.

Dogs are required to be licensed. You will need to pay all fees by cash, debit, or credit.

If your pet has permanent ID please ensure the information on the microchip or tattoo is current. The information on the microchip or tattoo will be taken as proof of ownership over most other forms of proof.

Fees to redeem

The fee to retrieve your animal depends on if it is licensed and if it is spayed or neutered.

All animals are charged an impound fee, boarding fee (per day), medical treatment fee (dogs & cats), and if needed, a dog license.

Dog impound (pick-up) fees
Unlicensed dog $143.00
Licensed Dog – Spayed or Neutered $40.00
Licensed Dog – Not Spayed or Neutered $59.00
Licensed Dog – Aggressive or Guard Dog $374.00
Licensed Dog – Vicious Dog $622.00
Licensed Dog – Dangerous Dog $1243.00
Licensed Dog – dog where it has caused injury while running at large $1243.00
Licensed Dog – Dangerous dog where it has caused injury while running at large $6207.00

*Plus Tax

Cat impound (pick-up) fees
Cat – Spayed or Neutered $18.00
Cat – Not spayed or neutered $64.00

*Plus Tax

Other animals impound (pick-up) fees
Stallion or bull $622.00
Horse or cows $238.00
Goat or Sheep $64.00
Rabbit, goose, chicken or other fowl $13.00
Other Small Domestic Animal $13.00

*Plus Tax

Boarding fees (per day)
Dogs $23.00
Cats $18.00
Horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, cows, other bovine animals $19.00
Rabbit, goose, chicken, other fowl $7.00
Animals other than listed above $13.00

*Plus tax

Medical treatment fees
Dogs $45.00
Cats $30.00

*Plus Tax

Dog license
Spayed or Neutered (Altered) Dog $55.00
Owner Senior – Altered Male/Female Dog $27.50

Intact Dog

Owner Senior – Intact Dog $43.00
Guard Dog/Aggressive Dog $165.00
Vicious Dog $249.00
Dangerous Dog $622.00
Guide/Service Dog* $0.00

*licenses must be purchased at the Surrey Animal Resource Centre

Additional Fees

Additional fees may apply if:

  • the animal was dropped off after hours at a vet clinic
  • a hauler was used for the transportation of the animal
  • the animal received immediate vet care

Picking up your animal at the shelter

All animals must leave the shelter on leash or in a secure carrier. If you are unable to bring a leash/collar or a carrier, the shelter may have them available for purchase. 

Please call the shelter at 604-574-6622 to arrange a time to redeem (pick up) your animal. 

I found a pet

Most lost pets are found very close to home and have a higher likelihood of being reunited with their family if they remain in the neighborhood where they were found instead of being brought to the shelter.

If you have found a sick or injured pet please call us at 604-574-6622. Our phones are open seven days a week, excluding holidays, 11am to 5pm.

If you have found a healthy and friendly pet that needs help being reunited with their owner please follow these steps:

  1. Check the pet for a collar/tags.
  2. Check with houses in the area to see if anyone is missing their pet.
  3. Post a photo of the pet and the general location on social media, neighborhood blogs, and Craigslist. Also check those sites for someone missing a pet matching the description.
  4. Confine the pet and bring it to a local veterinarian or the animal shelter to have them scanned for a microchip and contact the owner directly.
  5. Submit a Found Animal Report.

If all of this fails and you are unable to reunite the pet with their family or owner please call us at 604-574-6622, option 1 to speak with staff about bringing the pet in to the Surrey Animal Resource Centre or call 604-591-4370 to request pickup by an Animal Services Officer.