Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study
Review the vision for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor.
On July 8, 2024, Council approved the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study. The visioning study is the first step in planning for the Scott Road - 72 Avenue Corridor. Imagine Scott Road creates a framework that will guide the servicing and redevelopment of the corridor.
The visioning study identifies three future neighbourhood plan areas that will be the focus of detailed planning. Imagine Scott Road will inform the creation of these plans. These neighbourhood plan areas are:
- Townline (north)
- Kennedy (central)
- Strawberry Hill (south)
Next steps
- Initiate the planning process for the three neighbourhood plans. Planning for these areas will happen independently and involve comprehensive community engagement. A timeframe for this planning process has not yet been determined.
- The City can consider development applications before detailed planning begins. Development proposals will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be consistent with the Official Community Plan.
Study area
The Imagine Scott Road Study Area is 8.44 square kilometres in area and follows the R6 RapidBus route.

Key documents
Background information
On April 11, 2022 Council endorsed Corporate Report R071. This report initiated planning for the Scott Road – 72 Avenue Corridor to support the planned R6 RapidBus. The planning process included background studies, technical analysis, and community engagement. The Engagement Summary outlines the community engagement undertaken in October 2022.
On July 8, 2024, Council endorsed Corporate Report R129. This report approved the Imagine Scott Road Visioning Study.
Contact information
Planning & Development
Are you considering developing or rezoning? The first step is a Pre-Application Meeting.