City of Surrey
Francis Park Playground in the Fall

We are creating a new Plan for Fleetwood. Head over to the Fleetwood Plan Engagement page to learn more. Share your input as part of the Stage 2 Plan process. 

Explore the Stage 1 Plan

Explore the Stage 1 Plan that will guide growth over the next 30+ years in Fleetwood and provide input in the Stage 2 Plan process currently underway.

Project update

On October 16, 2023, Council endorsed the Fleetwood Stage 1 Plan updates, including amendments to land use, transportation, parks and open space concepts. 

The Stage 1 Plan for Fleetwood was endorsed by Surrey City Council on March 7, 2022. The Fleetwood Plan will help plan for growth as the community changes and SkyTrain extends along Fraser Highway. Stage 2 Planning is now underway to develop a servicing and financial plan and fine-tune land uses. 

Key documents 

Plan area

The Fleetwood Plan Area stretches from Green Timbers Urban Forest in the west towards the Agricultural Land Reserve in the east. 

Map of Fleetwood Plan Area

Contact information

Amelia Bowden, Community Planner
Community Planning Division
Phone: 604-591-4643 