City of Surrey

Apply for a Crescent Beach Floodplain Residential Building Permit for properties located in the Crescent Beach floodplain.

If you are unsure whether or not you fall within the Crescent Beach floodplain boundaries, refer to the Crescent Beach Floodplain map and permit application guide.

How to apply

Download the Guide to Applying for a Building Permit for Residential Buildings Located in the Crescent Beach Floodplain.

Complete the Building Permit Application Form and submit the required documents, plans, and fees by email or in-person.

Digital permit intakes

Planning & Development permits can be submitted by email to

Before submitting your application, review the digital submission guide. You will be contacted once we have reviewed your submission.

Professionals you may need

A Geotechnical Engineer (P.Eng.) is required for all construction within a floodplain in the City of Surrey.

Required documents

Include the following documents with your application:

  • a Building Permit Application Form;
  • a Schedule B in the case of a proposal for the omission of the drain tile (if applicable); and
  • a sealed letter from the Geotechnical Engineer in the case of a proposal for the omission of the drain tile (if applicable).

Drawing requirements

Please note that additional information such as survey plans, floor plans of an existing house, etc., may be required to confirm compliance with the Surrey Zoning Bylaw and the BC Building Code.


The building permit fee is due at the time of your application.

Final acceptance

Flood Construction Level

Applications made for properties located in the Crescent Beach floodplain should meet the Provincial Flood Construction Level (FCL) of 3.30m G.S.C., measured to the top of slab or underside of floor system (joists).

However, non-habitable buildings, such as garages and sheds, can be built below the FCL.

If an applicant’s proposal does not meet the required FCL, the Applicant may choose to apply for a Development Variance Permit (DVP). The DVP will be brought before Council requesting approval for a relaxation of the floodproofing requirements.

In the past, there have been DVP’s granted that allow for a reduction of the FCL to an elevation of 300mm above the centreline of the midpoint of the fronting road. Granting of the DVP is conditional on the Applicant committing to registering a restrictive covenant on the property.

Any inquiries concerning the DVP process should be made through the Planning Division. For more information, please contact the Planning Division at 604-591-4448.

Foundation drain tile

For most properties located in Crescent Beach, connection to the City storm sewer is not feasible.

Most streets in this area are without any storm sewer mains and in some areas where these mains do exist, they tend to be quite shallow. Therefore, it is imperative that the storm drainage issue be addressed at the building permit application stage rather than later.

If a slab on grade or crawl space skim coat is proposed at an elevation that is higher than the surrounding grade elevation and good soil conditions do exist, the City will then be able to accept a proposal from a professional Geotechnical Engineer recommending the omission of drain tile.