
"With everyone doing their part, we can and will get through this challenging time."

Surrey Bylaws and Surrey RCMP have launched the COVID-19 Compliance and Enforcement Team.
Media Release

Run and play with your dog at these 17 dog off-leash areas in Surrey.

Parks & Recreation

In these challenging and anxious times, it is vital that we present a united front.

Media Release

"COVID-19 can and will be stopped, and the fight begins and ends with each of us."


Oct 27

Join the Royal Canadian Theatre Company for "The Woman in Black," a full-length dramatic thriller.

Arts & Culture Community-Hosted
Nov 7

A sound feast of piano and percussion!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre Music
Nov 9

A funny, one-man show full of home truths!

Nov 15

Enjoy a fabulous night of music!

Civic Theatre Music
Nov 30

A laugh-out-loud comedy!

Presented by Surrey SPARK Stages.

Arts & Culture Children Civic Theatre
Dec 3

Get into the holiday spirit with the Vancouver Welshmen's Choir!

Civic Theatre Music
Dec 13

Enjoy an evening of musical magic with one of Canada's most unique vocal ensembles!

Civic Theatre Music
Jan 15 - 25

A millennial take on Cyrano de Bergerac!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre
Feb 6

Enjoy the dynamic Bergmann Duo with a Spanish twist!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre Music
Feb 8

Sail away for a night of magnificent music with a raft of local talent!

Arts & Culture Civic Theatre Music