Climate Energy Association CEO Megan Lohmann and City of Surrey Councillor Stutt

Councillor Stutt was presented with the award following a ceremony at the Union of BC Municipalities convention in Vancouver on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

September 23, 2024
Media Release

Surrey, B.C. – The City of Surrey has won a 2024 Climate & Energy Action Award from the Community Energy Association for its ‘Climate Action Tracker’ which was developed to share the City's progress in meeting the targets and goals outlined in the City’s Climate Change Action Strategy to enhance transparency and accountability with the community. The awards are presented to municipalities, regional districts and Indigenous communities in BC for exceptional initiatives that have made measurable impacts. Councillor Stutt was presented with the award following a ceremony at the Union of BC Municipalities convention in Vancouver on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

"I am immensely proud of our team's dedication to climate action and transparency,” said Mayor Brenda Locke. “This award is a testament to our commitment to building a sustainable, vibrant future for Surrey. The Climate Action Tracker not only holds us accountable but also fosters collaboration and engagement with our community as we work together towards a zero-carbon, climate-resilient Surrey by 2050. This achievement reflects our shared vision and the unwavering spirit of our residents in tackling the challenges of climate change."

The judges were impressed with the City of Surrey’s efforts to communicate progress towards achieving the targets, goals, and actions in Surrey’s Climate Change Action Strategy. Here are some comments they provided after selecting the nomination for an award:

“Thought to be the first of its kind in British Columbia, Surrey’s Climate Action Tracker sets a new standard for transparent reporting and accountability as the City aims to achieve the targets, goals, and actions stated in its Climate Change Action Strategy (CCAS). This project management tool will both help to embed climate action throughout the City’s departments while at the same time build public support and involvement. The Tracker is the product of extensive collaboration and leadership demonstrated by City staff, City Council and community representatives in pursuit of an innovative platform design that will continue to engage the community as the CCAS progresses. With this kind of Council and staff commitment, as well as community support, it is thought that most communities could develop their own transparent communication and reporting tool.”

The Climate Action Tracker focuses on the six key action areas from the strategy, aiming for a zero-carbon, climate-resilient Surrey by 2050. It includes detailed updates, timelines, and contacts for each action. This dynamic tool is designed to evolve, with new features added over time to improve its reporting capabilities.

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