This photo captures a public engagement event with booth attendees in green shirts providing information to a visitor, set against informational displays about a community planning project.

Residents, businesses, community organizations, and others are invited to provide feedback on the values and building blocks that will guide the plan.

June 18, 2024
Media Release

Surrey, B.C. – The second phase of public engagement for Surrey’s new Official Community Plan (OCP) is underway. Residents, businesses, community organizations, and others are invited to provide feedback on the values and building blocks that will guide the plan. What’s your future Surrey? Take the online survey before July 31. 

"As we move forward with the second phase of public engagement for Surrey's new Official Community Plan, we're excited to hear from residents, businesses, and community organizations about what's important to them," said Mayor Brenda Locke. "We're committed to planning for Surrey's long-term growth and development, and we want to ensure that our plan reflects the values and priorities of our community. I invite all of our residents to take the online survey, visit our project webpage, or chat with our staff at pop-up events this summer to share your thoughts and ideas. Help shape our city’s future as we strive to create a thriving, vibrant, and sustainable city.” 

The current OCP is over 10 years old and new provincial legislation mandates that all community plans must be updated every five years. The new OCP will establish the City’s long-term growth priorities and the tools to help implement them. Earlier this year, City staff asked residents what they loved about Surrey and helped identify the community’s biggest challenges. The City is now seeking input on the draft values and building blocks for the plan.  

The proposed building blocks are:  

  • housing for all 
  • a thriving and diverse economy 
  • a vibrant downtown 
  • livable, equitable and connected neighbourhoods  
  • a healthy environment and zero carbon city 

Over the next eighteen months, residents will have many opportunities to help shape the plan. The plan is expected to be completed in late 2025. 

Learn more about the project and take the survey at