City Launches New Interactive Web Map Helping Pedestrians Plan Routes in Surrey
Users can locate crosswalks, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian signs and traffic signals to help plan their route while also being able to explore places of interest in the community.
Surrey, BC - City of Surrey has launched an interactive web-based map called WALKit to help users plan their preferred walking routes and incorporate active transportation into their daily activities. Users can locate crosswalks, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian signs and traffic signals to help plan their route while also being able to explore places of interest in the community.
“WALKit is a unique free tool that aims to increase pedestrian travel amongst seniors and enhance the quality of life as people age,” says Sahra-Lea Tosdevine-Tataryn, Age Friendly Strategy Project Manager. "It factors how seniors commute within their community and supports health active aging.”
To enhance the map’s usability, a feedback form has been included for users to share their walking experience, comment on a particular route, and report a problem. This feedback could help prioritize future route improvements.
Walking just 20 minutes a day boosts the immune system and improves mental wellbeing. Users can simplify the task by finding a location and planning the best route even before the walk starts. Being web-based, the map is easily accessible and can be used on multiple devices.
The project is made possible through the Surrey Intercultural Senior Social Inclusion Partnership Network (SISSIPN), a collective impact initiative funded by Employment and Social Development Canada under the New Horizons for Seniors Program. It includes six organizations: Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS), City of Surrey, Seniors Come Share Society, SOURCES BC, Semiahmoo House Society, and Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association (FRAFCA).
This project aligns with Surrey’s Age Friendly Strategy for Seniors which was developed in 2014 to encourage active aging by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security to enhance the quality of life as people age. To learn more about the web map and features, visit surrey.ca/walkit.
Contact info
Media Enquiries
Angie Fernandes
Communications Advisor
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Program Information
Sahra-Lea Tosdevine-Tataryn
Age Friendly Strategy Project Manager
Parks, Recreation & Culture