City of Surrey

Learn the process to receive conditional approval for your Surrey land development application.

The conditional approval stage of the land development process comes after the Land Development Application review and approval stage

The conditional approval process generally depends on the permit application type:

  • Rezoning, Land Use Contract (LUC) discharge, Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, or Temporary Use Permit (TUP) designation: If Council is supportive, a bylaw will be introduced, the bylaw will be given 1st and 2nd Readings during the first Council Land Use Meeting, and a Public Hearing date will be scheduled. If Council gives 3rd Reading to the bylaw after the Public Hearing, it's reached the conditional approval stage.
  • Development Permit application where the zoning is in place: If Council is supportive, staff will be authorized to draft the Development Permit. If there are no outstanding conditions, Council will consider approving the Development Permit during the first Council Land Use Meeting.
  • Subdivision applications: conditional approval has been reached when the developer receives a Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) letter.

After your project receives conditional approval as part of the Council Review (eg, Third Reading or the PLA issued), you'll work with the Surrey Land Development Team to resolve any outstanding items from the Planning Report and from Council.

Some conditions that need to be fulfilled include:

  • Engineering Requirements
  • Road widening / road closures
  • Submission of subdivision plan
  • Finalized Arborist Report
  • Finalized architectural design drawings
  • Finalized landscape plans & cost estimate
  • Resolve internal and external review bodies’ concerns
  • Demolish buildings
  • Submit legal documents including Covenants, Easements, and Rights of Way
  • Pay Development fees including
    • Development Cost Charges 
    • School Site Acquisition Charges
    • NCP Amenity Contribution 
    • Private Development Public Art Program
    • Letters of Credit 

The official lists of outstanding items are in the Planning Report or the PLA letter.

Once the conditions are fulfilled, Council may consider Final Approval, and the Approving Officer may sign the subdivision plan.