City of Surrey

See how the public, City staff and developers inform City Council's decision on development applications.

Surrey City Council reviews development applications once the initial development application review is complete. 

The public, City staff and developers all help inform Surrey City Council's decision whether to approve, refer back to staff or deny a development application. 

1. Attend Council Land Use Meeting(s)

Developers or their representatives must attend Regular Council - Land Use Meetings regarding their applications. During this meeting, Council may raise questions with staff or with the developer. Council will also review the merits of the application and vote whether the application should be

  • approved, and be considered at another Council Meeting; 
  • referred back to staff to have Council concerns addressed and resolved or;
  • denied, and have the file closed.

2. Address Council concerns

You must address Council concerns with application if your application is referred back to staff.

You, as the developer, will work with the City of Surrey Land Development team to address the issues. After you've addressed all of the issues, we will present an Additional Planning Report to Council during another Regular Council - Land Use Meeting. You must also attend this Council Land Use Meeting on behalf of your application. 

3. Attend a Public Hearing

Certain project applications require Public Hearings. Public Hearings are official Council meetings where the public can speak to Council on proposed bylaw changes and any perceived impacts on the community. Any person who thinks they are affected by the proposed bylaw has the opportunity to speak.

Developers must attend a Public Hearing and respond to any issues or questions the public may have on approved projects for:

  • Rezoning
  • Land Use Contract (LUC) discharge or amendment
  • Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment

See the next Public Hearing dates.

Third reading

Council will consider a third reading of the bylaw right after the Public Hearing, during the same Council Meeting. Your Rezoning, LUC discharge or OCP amendment has conditional approval if it reaches this third reading.

Council will also review the merits of the application and vote whether the application should be

  • approved, Third Reading is granted and application must fulfill all conditions before final approval
  • referred back to staff to have Council concerns addressed and resolved or;
  • denied, and have the file closed.

4. Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) for proposed subdivisions

The Developer and Area Planner work together to ensure that there are no outstanding items that need to be resolved relating to the proposed subdivision application. You will have conditional approval for your proposed subdivision once you receive a Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) letter from the City of Surrey's Approving Officer. A PLA is an officially approved list of the items a developer must resolve before a proposed subdivision can be formally approved. ​

You have one year to fulfill your PLA conditions. If the PLA expires, you may apply to the City of Surrey to consider offering a 12-month PLA extension, which is available with a fee.

See the up-to-date Surrey Land Development PLA issuance list.

Learn what meetings and tasks to expect during and after your first Regular Council - Land Use meeting in the next step in the land development process: conditional approval.