Group photo of Surrey's Leadership Youth Council holding a cake

Join a group of peers to develop leadership skills and create space for youth to get involved.

Surrey's Leadership Youth Council (SLYC) is made up of 15 youth from Surrey that meet every second Monday at 5pm at City Hall.  We help create leadership opportunities for other youth in our city, and consult with various departments within the City of Surrey to be the representative "youth voice" when providing input for policy and planning. 

Youth Speak Up Forum 

The yearly Youth Speak Up forum in November offers a platform for young individuals aged 13 to 18 to voice their perspectives on topics significant to them. The topics vary annually, mirroring Surrey's current needs and fostering dialogue on important matters.

See the visual summary of the 2023 Youth Speak Up Forum.

How to join SLYC

Do you have thoughts, opinions and ideas about your community? Your first step to become a SLYC member is to sign up as a City of Surrey volunteer. Volunteer applications open in June.

  1. Email for an application.
  2. Provide two references.
  3. Submit a Police Information Check
  4. Begin volunteering!

Volunteer Now

Join the Surrey Leadership Youth Council now by emailing to start your application!

What SLYC does

Youth Speak Up Forum

SLYC is the main organizer behind the annual Youth Speak Up Forum. Designed to give youth a platform to voice their opinions and affect change in their community, the Youth Speak Up forum is a day of workshops and activities to discuss community topics that are important to you and your community.

The forum is designed with the hope to amplify youth voices and advocate for recommendations made within the City of Surrey.


SLYC have participated in Mental Health workshops, gathered youth input at the Fusion Festival, hosted a booth at Surrey Steps Up, and more!

Thank you




For more information, contact and check for updates on the Surrey Youth page.