Learn about Surrey's plan for affordable housing.

The Surrey Affordable Housing Strategy was developed in response to increasing housing affordability challenges in Surrey.

The process to develop the Strategy included undertaking research to compile housing data in the Surrey Housing Profile, consultations with stakeholders, and an online resident survey.


The strategies and actions set out in the Surrey Affordable Housing Strategy focus on purpose-built market and non-market rental housing in Surrey:

  • Strategy 1.0: Prevent the loss of purpose-built rental housing
  • Strategy 2.0: Strengthen protection for tenants
  • Strategy 3.0: Encourage the development of new purpose-built rental housing
  • Strategy 4.0: Increase the supply of housing affordable to renter households with low to moderate incomes.

Key documents

Related plans, policies & regulations

Rental Housing Redevelopment: Rental Replacement and Tenant Relocation Assistance

In 2018, the City adopted Policy O-61, Rental Housing Redevelopment: Rental Replacement and Tenant Relocation Assistance. This policy sets out the requirements for redevelopment of purpose-built rental housing and provision of assistance to tenants when redevelopment occurs. For more information, see the City of Surrey's guides, Replacing Rental Housing When Redevelopment Occurs and Relocating Tenants When Redevelopment Occurs.

Affordable Housing Contributions

In 2018, Council endorsed the Surrey Affordable Housing Strategy. The Strategy recommended an Affordable Housing Contribution of $1000 per residential unit, to support the development of new affordable rental housing in Surrey. Affordable Housing Contributions are a Community Amenity Contribution and are described in Schedule G of the Zoning Bylaw.    

Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) and density bonusing

Learn more about how the City uses Community Amenity Contributions and density bonusing to help fund and build community facilities.

Manufactured home parks

If you live in a manufactured (mobile) home park and the property owner has plans to redevelop, and build new buildings on the property, you have rights.

Learn about your manufactured home park rights and review the City's Policy on Manufactured Home Park Redevelopment and Strata Conversion.

Standards of Maintenance Bylaw

In 2012, the City endorsed a new Standards of Maintenance bylaw to help protect the condition of rental properties in Surrey and provide a better dispute resolution process to deal with unsafe accommodation.

Rental Stock Strata Conversion restrictions

Policy M-10 (1991), Procedures for Processing Strata Title Applications, states that Council will not approve conversions from rental to strata title units, unless Surrey's vacancy rate reaches or exceeds 4%, as determined by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Secondary suites

Learn more about the Secondary Suite Zoning Bylaw and other information related to secondary suites in Surrey.

Surrey Homelessness and Housing Fund

In June 2007, Surrey City Council approved the creation of a new Surrey Homelessness and Housing Fund. $9 million from the City’s Affordable Housing Reserves was used to establish the Fund. The Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society oversees the fund, supporting Surrey-made solutions to homelessness and affordable housing issues in Surrey.

Master plan for housing the homeless in Surrey

The Master Plan for Housing the Homeless in Surrey, developed in partnership with BC housing and Fraser Health, identifies and responds to the needs for long-term housing and support services for people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.