Learn about City of Surrey's free interpretation services that help people with their questions.

The City of Surrey offers free in-person and over-the-phone interpretation services to help people with their questions. 

Interpretation is available in more than 170 languages, including Hindi, Punjabi, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Farsi, Spanish, Russian, Polish and French.

Using Interpretation Services

There are various to connect with an interpreter or have information translated when accessing City of Surrey services:

In person

The City of Surrey offers interpretation services at City facilities such as libraries and recreation centres. Select facilities have display cards on the counter. Point to a language on the cards and an interpreter will be called for you.


Call 604-591-4011 if you are unable to communicate clearly in English. Identify your preferred language and within a few minutes, someone will be able to interpret for you.


The online translation service on the City of Surrey’s website is hosted by Google Translate. Find this tool at the top of the website where it says Select a Language. 

Please note that Google Translate can only translate webpage content. It cannot translate information in PDF documents linked on the site.

For questions about our interpretation and website translation services, email cityofsurrey@surrey.ca.