City of Surrey

Learn more about the requirements for electrical permits and apply for your electrical permit online.

A permit is required for all regulated work performed within the City, unless exempted under the Electrical Safety Regulation of BC. In addition, a permit must be issued before regulated work is performed.

An electrical permit application may require building permits for new construction, renovations, commercial landlord improvements, and tenant occupancies. Before you apply, gather all building permit information. 

Permit processing times

The average processing time for electrical permit applications is currently 5-7 business days. If a permit application is placed on hold due to incomplete or inaccurate information or outstanding expired permit fees, a further 2-3 business days to review permit amendments. 

Electrical contractor installation permits 

Learn more about the requirements for different electrical contractor installation permits, how to apply, request an inspection and managing your permit. 

Electrical operating permits

Electrical operating permits are required for a variety of applications. Learn more about the requirements for operating permits, how to apply, request an inspection and managing your permit. 

Homeowner electrical installation permits

If you're a homeowner interested in performing electrical work at your residence, learn more about the requirements, how to apply, requesting an inspection and managing your permit.