Learn the City of Surrey's role in managing contaminated sites.

Toxic substances may exist in the soil, soil vapour, surface water, and groundwater of current or former commercial and industrial sites in Surrey.

Consequently, the Ministry of Environment, under the authority of the Environmental Management Act, required the completion of a Site Disclosure Statement on properties with a current or historic Schedule 2 use applies for:

  • Subdivision
  • Rezoning
  • Development or development variance permit
  • Building permit with soil disturbance
  • Removal of soil from the site

The City of Surrey requires applicants to complete and submit a Site Disclosure Statement. See the City's Guide to Soil Relocation from Contaminated Sites.

This examination ensures the site is suitable for the proposed use, and is safe for human health and the receiving environment.

Useful links


If you have questions relating to soil contamination on your property, call the Planning & Development Department at 604-591-4441.

Visit British Columbia's Ministry of Environment website for more information on the site profile process, standards, legislation and guidance in assessing and cleaning contaminated sites.