Colebrook Dyke Upgrades
The City plans to upgrade key sections of Colebrook Dyke to increase flood protection.
Project description
The City plans to upgrade 7.5 kilometres of the Colebrook earth dyke along Mud Bay, including Mud Bay Park and the mouth of the Serpentine River.
Upgrades will be done in phases. Certain sections of the existing dyke will only need to be topped up. Other sections will need to be raised much higher to meet flood standards. These sections will be gradually built outwards and upwards to allow the foundation to adjust to the additional weight.
What will this achieve?
The Colebrook Dyke plays an important role in protecting our coast. With our changing climate, it is important that the dyke is able to withstand the impacts of projected sea level rise, and stormy weather events which are becoming more frequent.
Upgrades to the Colebrook Dyke will help us achieve the following goals:
- keep our communities safe
- improve food security by protecting our farms from flooding
- protect Highway 99 (regional link to the Peace Arch border crossing) to keep our economy moving with the safe movement of people, goods and services
- and continue to provide power, fresh drinking water and sanitary services to the region by protecting BC Hydro's primary transmission line and regional sewer and water mains
These dyke upgrades are part of the first phase of implementation of Surrey's Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS). CFAS guides the City’s work in ensuring our community is safe and prepared for coastal flooding and sea level rise.
Location & timing
View aerial map of dyke projects in Mud Bay.
Dyke upgrades will be done in sections and phases:
Colebrook Dyke (100 Series): Mud Bay
Phase 1 (Mud Bay Park)
- A setback dyke near the Mud Bay Park parking lot was constructed in 2023. The setback dyke is 1 metre higher than the existing dyke and provides an additional line of flood defense from waves and high tides.
Phase 2 (west of Mud Bay Park)
- The westerly section of existing dyke within Mud Bay Park will be raised by 1 m. A short section of new dyke will be built immediately west of Phase 1 dyke construction.
- Construction anticipated to begin and end in 2024
- Access to Mud Bay Park and Boundary Bay trail will remain open to the public during construction
- City of Surrey Mud Bay Park trail will be closed during construction hours
Colebrook Sea Dyke: West of Mud Bay Park
- The existing sea dyke will be raised by 1m to work with the nature-based Living Dyke (aka Mud Bay nature-based Foreshore Enhancements project) to reduce erosion, and provide environmental enhancement and greater flood protection. The Living Dyke pilot site was established in 2023 and is under Adaptive Management. We are monitoring the pilot site and making adjustments as needed.
- Construction of the existing sea dyke anticipated to begin in 2024 and be completed in 2027
- Access to Mud Bay Park and Boundary Bay trail will remain open to the public during construction
- Sections of City of Surrey Mud Bay Park trail will be closed during construction
Colebrook Dyke (200 Series): Mouth of Serpentine River
- Construction underway and anticipated to be complete in 2024
Colebrook Dyke (300 Series): Serpentine River - Highway 99 to King George Boulevard
- Upgrades complete
If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please contact the Project Delivery Division at 604-591-4253 or engineering@surrey.ca.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund.