Safe Roads
Learn about Safe Roads and highlights of our safe roads actions.
Safe Roads are designed to reduce the risk of crashes occurring and the severity of injury if a collision occurs. Safe road interventions will reduce the likelihood of high-speed collisions, protect road users from side impact and head-on collisions, and focus on the safety of our most vulnerable road users.
Highlights of our Safe Roads interventions include:
Fully-protected left turns
One of the most common conflicts at signalized intersections is the competition between vehicles turning left and oncoming traffic. As such, we are upgrading high collision intersections across the city with fully-protected left turns.
By implementing protected left turn phases, which separate road users in time, we can minimize conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.
Learn more about fully-protected left turn signals and where to find them in Surrey.
Leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs)
Leading Pedestrian Intervals are traffic signal timing features that give pedestrians a head start into the crosswalk before the vehicle green is shown. This allows drivers to see pedestrians more easily and reduces pedestrian-vehicle crashes.
These signal timing changes helps reduce vehicle-pedestrian crashes by approximately 60 percent and are continually implemented at select intersections across the City.
High collision intersection safety improvements
By digging into data more deeply we’re able to better understand what’s happening where and why, when and to whom. Mapping of locations and corridors where high numbers of people have been killed or seriously injured in traffic crashes is a critical Vision Zero tool.
Advanced data analysis helps us better understand the causal factors, collision types and road users involved in collisions where someone is killed or injured so we can implement the most suitable engineering, enforcement and education road safety countermeasures at Surrey’s top high collision intersections.
Road safety reviews and audits
Focusing attention on locations of harm is critical to safety work undertaken by the City. Road safety reviews and audits are conducted regularly so we can understand the issues at a location and provide safety upgrades as needed.
For example, an analysis of collision data shows that King George Boulevard has six high collision intersections between 108 Avenue and 96 Avenue. A corridor safety review of the six intersections was conducted in 2020. Final review of findings will be incorporated into future detailed designs for road infrastructure projects along this section.
Safe design standards
A city’s design standards are an important influencer of how streets are designed and built. By reviewing and updating our design standards through the road safety lens, we incorporate Safe Roads best practices and prioritize our vulnerable road users.
Remove or re-design right turn channels
Channelized right turns increase collision risk and severity due to higher speeds, so we’re removing them wherever possible. Where we can’t, we will build smart right turn channels designed to slow right turning vehicles and improve sightlines.
Cycle tracks
Research shows that separated cycles tracks reduce vehicle-cyclist collision by up to 90%. By physically separating road users, not only does cycling ridership soar and feelings of safety increase, but we create more efficient, attractive and healthier streetscapes. We’re growing our cycle track network because lane type matters.
Rectangular rapid flashing beacons
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons are used at uncontrolled approaches, such as un-signalized pedestrian crosswalks, to improve the visibility of people walking. They provide push button activated bright lights that flash in an irregular pattern alerting drivers to crossing pedestrians. Data shows high motorist ‘yield to pedestrian’ rates.
Roundabouts only allow one-way traffic around a central island. Cars entering the roundabout must yield to cars already in the roundabout. Roundabouts can improve safety and traffic flow because the shape reduces speed and almost completely eliminates side and head-on collisions. They are highly effective in reducing crashes where someone is killed or seriously injured and if designed well also provide safety improvements for vulnerable road users.
ICBC road improvement program funding
Each year, the City works with ICBC’s Road Improvement Program which allows us to incorporate safety improvements into capital projects throughout Surrey. In 2020, ICBC provided over $730,000 in funding towards road safety projects.