Planting Trees
Help grow Surrey’s urban forest by planting a tree! Plant a tree in your yard, grab a tree voucher, or join a Releaf planting event.
Planting trees on your property
Planting trees can increase your property value, help the environment, provide shade and insulation for your home, and make your neighbourhood more livable.
It’s important to choose the right tree for your yard, and to plant it properly to keep it healthy and increase its chance of survival.
Learn more from the International Society of Arboriculture on planting a tree in your backyard and remember to water your trees regularly.
Call before you dig!
Are there any utilities (gas, water, sewer, electric) below ground that need to be identified? Don't be so sure you know the answer. Check with BC 1 Call before you dig.
Planting replacement trees
Replacement trees must be planted for all trees removed from private property. Trees must have an issued tree cutting permit before they can be removed.
When you pick up your Tree Cutting Permit, you must also put down a $550 security deposit for each replacement tree. We collect this deposit to make sure replacement trees are planted and maintained during their important first year.
We will return your $550 in a two-stage process to make sure the replacement trees planted will survive and grow to maturity.
Replacement tree inspection
See the our Guide to Selecting and Planting Replacement Trees to be prepared for each visit.
First inspection
Once you have planted your replacement tree(s), book your inspection.
- Call our inspection line at 604-591-4675 or book a tree inspection online.
Half, or 50% of the replacement tree securities is eligible for release once an inspection is completed, and your tree is accepted by the inspector.
Second inspection
One year after your first inspection, you will need to book your second inspection. The second 50% of your deposit will be refunded upon successful inspection.
Releaf tree planting events
Join us each spring and fall for tree planting events! Plant native trees and shrubs and help grow Surrey's urban forest.
Tree sale program
The City hosts tree sales to provide quality trees at a low price to Surrey residents. Pre-purchase trees online, then schedule a time to pick up your order. Check tree sale dates.
Tree voucher program
If you're a Surrey resident, you can participate in our tree voucher program. This means you can purchase a tree to plant on your property, for a reduced cost.
- For Surrey residents only.
- To be used only towards tree purchase.
- Limited to 1 voucher per household.
- Not to be used for shrubs, topiaries, dwarf trees, annuals, perennials, standards, weeping varieties or any other garden product.
- Choose a tree worth up to $75 from participating nurseries. If the tree is over $75, you'll pay the difference.
Purchase a $25 voucher at Planning & Development's Front Counter located on the 2nd floor at City Hall.
Participating nurseries
Art's Nursery Ltd.
8940 192 Street, Surrey, BC
Phone 604-882-1201 or email
Hunters Garden Centre
15175 72 Avenue, Surrey, BC
Phone 604-590-2431 or email
For more information on our tree voucher program, call us at 604-591-4675.
Tree sponsorship
Our sponsorship program is currently under review.
For details, contact or 604-501-5175.