City of Surrey

Complete the Sustainable Development Checklist to evaluate the sustainability of your development.

The Sustainable Development Checklist for Planning and Development applications promotes sustainable land use and building design. It is designed to help residents, builders and developers consider development projects that:

  • support the well-being of the community,
  • respect the natural environment, and
  • use less resources and money to operate.

The Checklist also allows developers to better protect their properties from natural hazards and create a healthy space for future occupants.

Submitting Your Checklist

The Sustainability Development Checklist is separated into the two distinct stages of the development approval process: Stage 1 is for Land Use Development Applications and Stage 2 is for Building Permit Applications. Stage 2 Checklists will be based on Council-Approved development proposals that have undergone a Stage 1 Checklist review.

Completing the Sustainable Development Checklist process starts with attending a pre-application meeting with City staff determine if you need to submit a Checklist. If it is deemed required, you will then complete and submit a Checklist along with a completed land use application (Stage 1) or a building permit application (Stage 2).

Staff in various departments will review your completed Checklist as part of the development application process.

A brief summary of the project Checklist will be attached to Land Use Planning Reports to Council, highlighting the Sustainable Development features of your project.

For more information, see the Sustainability Checklist Process Flowchart.

Checklist Forms

Download the Checklist form that applies to your development proposal, or request a copy of the checklist from the Planning and Development Department at Surrey City Hall.

Only one Checklist per development site needs to be submitted at the land use application stage, even though there may be multiple concurrent applications being processed for the site, such as a Official Community Plan amendment or a rezoning and development permit.

You'll submit the Stage 2 component of the Checklist at the time of building permit application for a site that has undergone a Stage 1 review and has been approved by Council.

Additional Materials

The Sustainable Development Checklist seeks information that is generally available at the time you submit a development application to the City. However, you might be asked for items such as photos of installed systems or products, design drawings, professional reports, copies of receipts, or other records that can be used to verify the implementation of the selected sustainability measures.

We encourage you to provide as much information as possible to assist City staff in their review of development proposals. Note that the relevance of the Checklist questions will depend on the nature and scope of your project, so not all questions will be applicable to all projects.

Public Access 

The public may request a copy of any completed Checklist related to a development application. Copies of the checklist are maintained by the Planning and Development Department. The Department makes Checklists available at the Surrey Sustainability office following completion of the project.

Measuring Results

The Sustainable Development Checklist is not graded or scored – there is no pass or fail. Instead, the purpose of the Checklist is to encourage developers to address issues early and submit proposals that are more sustainable than they would otherwise have been.

Our ultimate goal is to help promote sustainable regeneration in the City as per the Sustainability Charter.


Land Development Process (Stage 1 Checklist)
Area Planning

Building Permit Process (Stage 2 Checklist)

Sustainable Development in Surrey 
Sustainability Office 

General Sustainable Development Checklist Inquiry 
Community Planning 