Francis Park
Take a stroll along the walking paths or enjoy the seniors' wellness park.
Operating hours
Dawn until Dusk
Park information
Francis Park is located at the south side of the Fleetwood Community Centre. Within the park you'll find lots of open grass space, a playground and a popular 300-metre walking loop. Find outdoor fitness equipment to use for cardio and strength training. There are also plenty of benches for relaxing.
Park Upgrades
Since the development of Francis Park in 2009, the community has expressed a need for a pavilion, playground, and more seating and trees in the park.
The new playground was constructed in summer 2018 as well as the addition of new amenities including meeting spaces with seating and more trees in 2021. We are currently working with the community to finalize the location of the pavilion before advancing its design.
To guarantee that the location/design of the meeting places, trees and pavilion work together, construction of the pavilion is paused until completion of further community consultation.
Community Engagement
In winter 2018, we presented preliminary project information and a preliminary concept plan at a public Open House on January 30, 2018. Feedback was collected through comment forms at the Open House and an online survey in mid February to early March, 2018. Of the 131 respondents, 79% were in support of the addition of a pavilion, and 80% were in support of the addition of a playground to the park. The majority of respondents indicated their support for the overall design concept.
In spring 2018, we presented a detailed concept plan and did a site walk through with community stakeholder groups. Some community groups expressed concerns about the pavilion being located on the east end of the park in close proximity to the playground. In response to these concerns we are reviewing other possible locations for the pavilion and an update will be provided shortly.
Winter 2021
- Meeting places: Construction of a covered picnic shelter and benches is now complete.
- Tree planting: The addition of new trees is now complete.
Park Background
Francis Park was named after Edith Francis, sister of Arthur Thomas Fleetwood (after whom the community of Fleetwood was named). She was instrumental in naming the community of Fleetwood, and was one of the founding members of the Fleetwood Community Association, formed in 1923. The park was named after Edith Francis in honour of her contribution to the community.