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The City of Surrey is committed to serving its diverse community in the most inclusive manner possible and is taking steps towards achieving this goal.

June 11, 2024
Media Release

Surrey, BC – The City of Surrey is committed to serving its diverse community in the most inclusive manner possible and is taking steps towards achieving this goal. At its Regular Council Meeting on Monday, Surrey City Council supported a motion from Mayor Brenda Locke to direct staff to develop a policy to guide city communications that effectively reaches multilingual audiences or individuals with limited proficiency in English.

"As Mayor of this vibrant and diverse city, I believe our practices must adapt to reflect our linguistic and cultural diversity. My motion will begin the process of updating City’s policies and communications to ensure they are representative of the diversity that makes our city so strong,” said Mayor Brenda Locke. “Updating our policies will build stronger relationships, foster greater trust and understanding, and create a more inclusive and equitable city for everyone regardless of language or background.”

Nearly half of Surrey’s population was born in another country. Recent Census data shows that 45% of Surrey's residents are immigrants with 38% residents speaking English as a second language.

As part of a commitment to effective governance, the City of Surrey strives to create barrier-free access to all City services, information and resources. Accessible communication helps improve the delivery of services and addresses gaps in equity. By empowering members of the public to engage and participate, we foster a sense of belonging and ownership, ultimately enriching the quality of life for all.

Staff will now draft a policy and report back to Council.