Surrey Council Approves Contract for 152 Street Road Widening Project
B&B Heavy Civil Construction Ltd. was awarded a $44.4M contract for work that will involve road raising and widening of 152 Street from the Nicomekl River to the Serpentine River.
Surrey, B.C. – Surrey City Council approved a contract for the 152 Street Road Widening and Nicomekl River Bridge Twinning Project during its Regular Council Meeting on Monday. B&B Heavy Civil Construction Ltd. was awarded a $44.4M contract for work that will involve road raising and widening of 152 Street from the Nicomekl River to the Serpentine River. The contract also includes work to twin the Nicomekl River Bridge to increase flood protection and create a four-lane road and bridge crossing with cycling and pedestrian pathways.
“152 Street is a major corridor for our City and I am pleased it is receiving such a major upgrade,” said Mayor Brenda Locke. “The widening of this section of 152 Street to four lines will benefit not only motorists, but cyclists and pedestrians as well. It is a timely and essential project for the growing communities of South Surrey and the Grandview area. This $44 M project will also twin the Nicomekl River Bridge, which will further enhance protection against flooding and rising sea levels.”
During Monday night’s meeting, Surrey Council also awarded a $594,278 Consultant Construction Agreement to McElhanney Ltd., and approved the expenditure of $850,000 payable to BC Hydro for the relocation and modification of BC Hydro infrastructure necessary for the project.
Funding for this project is available in the proposed 2023 Transportation Budget, with $21.8M in funding from TransLink and the Government of Canada’s Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund.
The contract work is expected to commence in March, 2023 and be completed by summer 2025.