The Journey to Becoming a Lifeguard
If you are considering becoming a lifeguard, sign up for courses offered at the City to reach your goal.
Becoming a Lifeguard requires skill, teamwork and perseverance
If you are considering becoming a lifeguard, these are some courses that you will have to complete to reach your goal. Although this process may seem long, lifeguarding is a great career that pays well and fosters lifelong skills such as first-aid and teamwork.
The lifeguard journey is as follows:
A career in lifeguarding is both practical and rewarding. Feel good about what you do and contribute to your community through becoming a lifeguard this summer.
Bronze Medallion: This 15 hour course is available to candidates 13 years of age and older. This course focuses on the fundamentals of water rescue and lifesaving.
Bronze Cross: This 20 hour course is available to candidates 13 years of age and older. Bronze Cross is when candidates make the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding. In addition to judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness, the skill of surveillance is introduced.
Standard First Aid & CPR-C: These courses can be taken together or separate for a total of 14hrs. Both programs are land-based and focus on the fundamentals of responding to an emergency.
National Lifeguard Pool (NLS Pool): This 40 hour course is offered to candidates 15 years of age and older. In this course, all the previous lifeguarding/saving skills come together. First-aid and effective rescue response is used in combination with teamwork and good judgement to successfully lifeguard in a pool environment.
National Lifeguard Waterpark (NLS Waterpark): This 40 hour course is offered to candidates 15 years of age and older. It is similar to the pool option; however, it takes place at a pool with water features such as but not limited to waves, sprays, rivers and/or a slide.
Water Safety Instructor (WSI): This 40 hour course offered to candidates 15 years of age and older. It is a necessary course to become a lifeguard in Surrey, as all of our lifeguards are also swim instructors. WSI is designed to introduce candidates to the Red Cross swimming program and provide teaching skills and knowledge.
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