Explore the key document we use to guide sustainable growth in Surrey.

Surrey's Sustainability Charter 2.0 is an ambitious 40-year vision for sustainability in Surrey. It is how we are planning to become a thriving, green, inclusive city. The Charter guides all City decisions and outlines what we want for our community as a whole.

Residents, stakeholders, staff and elected officials all help in refreshing the Charter to ensure it remains a leading-edge document that reflects the values of our community. Support and involvement of all partners in the community, including local businesses, residents and community groups will be vital to achieving the goals and outcomes of the Charter 2.0.

The Sustainability Charter is aligned with plans from across the City, such as the:

8 themes of sustainability

The Sustainability Charter 2.0 has 8 overlapping themes looking to the year 2058 – the original timeframe of the first Charter created in 2008.

  1. Inclusion: A caring community that encourages a sense of belonging and access to opportunity for all Surrey residents to realize their full potential.
  2. Built environment and neighbourhoods: A beautiful, accessible and well-connected city of distinct and complete neighbourhoods that are walkable, engaging and resilient.
  3. Public safety: A city in which all people live, work and play in a safe and engaging environment.
  4. Economic prosperity and livelihoods: Continued prosperity and thriving livelihoods and a strong, equitable and diverse economy.
  5. Ecosystems: Healthy, protected and well-maintained ecosystems and biodiversity.
  6. Education and culture: Access to diverse, high-quality learning opportunities, and vibrant arts, heritage and cultural experiences for all Surrey residents.
  7. Health and wellness: A community in which all residents are healthy, active and connected.
  8. Infrastructure: Effective infrastructure and services that meet the current and future needs of the city, while protecting the natural environment and supporting urban growth.

Sustainability dashboard

Following the creation of the original Sustainability Charter, we created a set of indicators and targets that have been displayed on the City of Surrey Sustainability Dashboard. As part of the Charter update process, we refined the set of indicators that will ensure we're measuring impactful outcomes and can tell us if we're hitting the mark on sustainability.

A design refresh of the Sustainability Dashboard is currently underway. Please excuse any impacts to the usability of the new Sustainability Dashboard as we get used to the new platform.  

Launch Dashboard

Sustainability Charter 2008

The City of Surrey's first Sustainability Charter established a long-term, 50-year vision for a Sustainable City. Our City Council unanimously adopted the Charter in September 2008.

Between the fall of 2008 and spring of 2016, we used this document to guide policy and decision-making, and to ensure social, environmental and economic factors were always taken into account.

The 2008 Sustainability Charter was replaced by the Sustainability Charter 2.0 in May 2016.

Background on the Sustainability Charter update

In September 2008, Council received Corporate Report No. R175 2008, titled "Surrey Sustainability Charter" and approved the Sustainability Charter as the overarching policy document for the City.

In partnership with a broad array of community stakeholders, we have made considerable progress on the implementation of the Sustainability Charter since its adoption in 2008. 

Check out the 2014 Annual Report for a summary of our achievements, then have a look at the City's Sustainability Dashboard, where we continually monitor our progress towards our sustainability goals.

In February 2014, Council received Corporate Report No. R022 2014, titled "Sustainability Charter Update", and approved plans to update the Sustainability Charter to maintain a leadership position in the area of sustainability.

Through surveys, interviews, workshops, and public events we engaged over a thousand residents, stakeholders and staff in drafting the new Charter over a two year period.

In March 2016, Council received the draft Sustainability Charter 2.0 as part of Corporate Report No. R055 2016, and approved the final round of consultation.

The final Sustainability Charter 2.0 was approved by Council on May 30, 2016 as part of Corporate Report Corporate Report No. R112 2016.