The Ethics Commissioner is a neutral, independent officer who oversees the conduct of elected officials at the City of Surrey.

Ethics Commissioner

In March 2023, Council appointed Peter Johnson of Stewart McDannold Stuart as the City of Surrey's Ethics Commissioner.  Additional information regarding Mr. Johnson's professional experience is available at   

Complaints can be submitted to the Surrey Ethics Commissioner Office (SECO) via email to

Limitation period

If you witness or experience a breach to the Council Code of Conduct and wish to submit a complaint, you must submit your complaint within 6 months of the alleged breach.

Surrey Ethics Commissioner Office

The position of Surrey Ethics Commissioner Office (SECO) was established by the Ethics Commissioner Establishment Bylaw, 2020, No. 20018. The Ethics Commissioner is a neutral, independent officer who oversees the conduct of elected officials at the City of Surrey, and operates independently of City Council and City Administration. 

The Ethics Commissioner is appointed by Council for a term of up to two years, and their term may be renewed for a maximum of three 1-year terms. 

There is no legislation in British Columbia mandating a specific type of ethical framework for municipalities. The standards of conduct expected of elected officials are outlined in legislation and other binding documents, the most important of which is the Consolidated Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, 2020, No. 20020.

Core functions

  1. Provide advice to Council Members on behaviour that would be consistent with the Council Members' ethical obligations under the Code of Conduct;
  2. Deliver training, as part of orientation or on an annual basis, on any aspects of ethical conduct that the Commissioner determines may be valuable for Council Members, which includes the ability to compel attendance of the Council Members;
  3. Receive, review, investigate and adjudicate complaints related to the conduct of a Council Member and violations of the Code of Conduct;
  4. Decide whether the matter is within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner;
  5. Adopt procedures, policies and protocols designed to ensure that Formal Complaints are fully and fairly investigated;
  6. Determine whether to proceed to investigate a Formal Complaint or dispose of the Formal Complaint in a summary manner;
  7. Subject to the requirements of the Code of Conduct respecting procedural fairness, identify records and documentation received and reviewed during an investigation as confidential; and
  8. Provide advice and recommendations to Council regarding amendments to the Code of Conduct and any other policies, procedures or protocols governing Council Members' ethical behaviour.

Review the Complaint Intake Policy and submit a complaint online.

Alternatively, you may submit a completed form via email to or via mail to Surrey Ethics Commissioner Office, 13450 - 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3T 1V8. 

For further information, please review frequently asked questions and the policies below, or contact SECO at

SECO policies:

SECO Complaint status/overview

As of January 5, 2023:

  • Total Number of Complaints Received by SECO: 71
  • Complaints Resolved and Closed by SECO: 71

Investigation report summaries

Annual reports

Background information

Related links