Learn about the plans and services the Survey section provides.

The Survey Section provides survey services to all City Departments, primarily in the following areas:

  • Provides legal survey services to support Engineering, Parks Recreation & Culture and Civic Facilities annual capital programs
  • Provides engineering survey services to support Engineering, Parks Recreation & Culture operations
  • Manages the digital plan submission process for the City's cadastral database mapping
  • Provides land tenure expertise for land development applications
  • Maintains the horizontal and vertical control monumentation network in the City

Types of land surveyors

You might see two types of land surveyors in Surrey. City surveyors only work on City projects, while private land surveyors typically work on provincial infrastructure projects, land development projects, or surveys for home sales. Use COSMOS to find out where development is occurring and research capital construction projects in the City.

Land surveyors & residential matters

Surveys of your house

BC Land Surveyor’s Building Location Certificates are submitted to the City's Building Division and archived by the Building Division File Registry in our Planning & Development Department.

To find a copy of the survey of your house, contact buildingfileregistry@surrey.ca .

Property lines

Property lines between neighbours are a private matter. If property corners are missing it is the responsibility of the owner to hire a private BC Land Surveyor to resurvey the boundary and reinstate the property corners. Subsequently, the location of the proposed fence line can be established by the land surveyor.

If your neighbour is encroaching on your land, it is best to talk to your neighbour to establish what the issue is first. If you can't resolve your concern, hire a private BC Land Surveyor to re-survey the boundary.

Digital plan requirements

Land Surveyors must provide the ParcelMap BC (PMBC) digital submission and .pdf versions of plans. We no longer require the .CSV file.

Email the .pdf file and PMBC (.DWG) file to HBadial@surrey.ca and Survey@surrey.ca.

Include in your email:

  1. Civic address of the site
  2. Name of client or applicant
  3. The City’s development application file number

If you have any questions, call Harinder Badial at (604) 591-4244 or email at HBadial@surrey.ca.


For more information about general land surveying, visit the Association of BC Land Surveyors website.

For general enquiries or digital plan submissions, contact the Survey Section at survey@surrey.ca or 604-591-4253.

You can also access digital data and as-built drawings online through the GIS Division.