Consulting Services – Low Carbon Thermal Energy Study
Reshape Infrastructure Strategies Ltd.
Closing Date
Revised October 8, 2020
Richard Oppelt
Purchasing Manager
Finance & Technology Department
Tel: (604) 590-7274
Request for Proposals
The City of Surrey owns and operates a district energy (DE) system in the rapidly growing City Centre area. The continued expansion of DE in City Centre provides an opportunity for the City to realize a community scale reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings through the application of low-carbon energy. The City of Surrey’s Sustainability Charter (2008/2016) identifies the development of a district energy network fueled by low-carbon sources as a desired outcome of the Energy and Climate sub-themes.
In order to achieve the commitments of the Sustainability Charter, a District Energy Strategy has been included within the City of Surrey’s Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP, 2014). The objective of the District Energy Strategy is to increase local, low-carbon thermal energy generation in an effort to reduce GHG emissions and increase resilience to fluctuating energy supply costs. The District Energy Strategy outlines the need to integrate low-carbon energy sources as soon as possible in order to meet stated carbon intensity targets (0.07 tCO2e/MWh, Sustainability Charter 2016). At present, District Energy operations are 100% fueled by Natural Gas.
To meet the stated low-carbon energy integration targets, the City of Surrey must currently decide which energy source options to pursue. Information regarding available capacity of local, low-carbon thermal energy sources is required in order to assist in making this decision. Associated capital and operating costs are also required. To achieve low-carbon energy targets, the City of Surrey envisions pursuing either Biomass from clean urban wood waste and/or Waste Heat Recovery as thermal energy sources. Preliminary site locations for two potential low-carbon energy plants have been determined by the City of Surrey.
The objectives of this project are to assess the available low carbon thermal energy capacity and the lifecycle capital/operating costs of delivered energy from a Biomass and/or a Waste Heat Recovery plant to City of Surrey DE customers.
When: May 29, 2017
Where: 2E 30.08 Community Room A
Surrey City Hall
13450 104th Avenue, Surrey, B.C., Canada V3T 1V8
Time: 10:00 A.M.
RFP document for download:
Consulting Services – Low Carbon Thermal Energy Study (.pdf)
Schedule C - Form of Proposal (.doc)
Addendum No. 1 (.pdf)
Issue Date: May 18, 2017
Addendum No. 2 (.pdf) (REVISED CLOSING)
Issue Date: May 26, 2017
If the City determines that an amendment is required to this RFP, the City Representative will issue a written addendum by posting it on the BC Bid Website at (the “BC Bid Website”) and the City Website at (the “City Website”) that will form part of this RFP. It is the responsibility of Proponents to check the BC Bid Website and the City Website for addenda. The only way this RFP may be added to, or amended in any way, is by a formal written addendum. No other communication, whether written or oral, from any person will affect or modify the terms of this RFP or may be relied upon by any Proponent. By delivery of a Proposal, Proponent is deemed to have received, accepted and understood the entire RFP, including any and all addenda.
All inquiries related to this RFP should be directed in writing to the person named below.