City Infrastructure Emergency Repairs and Replacements
Closing Date
Revised June 18, 2024
The City is seeking experienced and qualified contractors with proven ability to perform emergency and on demand construction services related to City infrastructure. The Services will involve repair and replacement projects, varying from small to large-scale, at various locations within the City on an “as and when” required basis. It is estimated that there could be between 5-10 projects annually that would need to be fast-tracked due to potential impact to Private and Public property and Public Health and Environmental concerns. The Goods and Services include without limitation the supply and delivery of material, the provision of skilled labour, and equipment to provide the Goods and perform the Services and other requirements of this RFA-SOA in the City.
The required Goods and Services may include, but are not limited to:
a) Repair or replace gravity sanitary and storm mains;
b) Repair or replace Low Pressure System (LPS) mains, manholes and service connections;
c) Repair or replace sanitary and storm manhole structures;
d) Repair or replace sanitary and storm laterals / service connections from the inspection chamber to main;
e) Flush and clear debris where sanitary or storm flows are limited and repair or replace as required;
f) Conduct post CCTV inspection of sanitary and storm mains and laterals after repairs or replacement;
If the City determines that an amendment is required to this RFA-SOA, the City Representative will issue a written addendum by posting it on the BC Bid website at (the “BC Bid Website”) and the City website at (the “City Website”) that will form part of this RFA-SOA. It is the responsibility of Applicants to check the BC Bid Website and the City Website for addenda. The only way this RFA-SOA may be added to, or amended in any way, is by a formal written addendum. No other communication, whether written or oral, from any person will affect or modify the terms of this RFA-SOA or may be relied upon by any Applicant. By delivery of an Application, Applicant is deemed to have received, accepted and understood the entire RFA-SOA including, any and all addenda.
All inquiries related to this RFA-SOA should be directed in writing to