

McRae's Environmental Services Ltd.

Closing Date

The City would prefer to receive Quotations on or before March 18, 2022

Revised May 16, 2022


Sunny Kaila
Procurement Manager
Finance Department
Tel:  (604) 590-7274


The City of Surrey (the “City”) invites contractors to provide a quotation on the form attached as Schedule B – Form of Quotation to Attachment 1 – Agreement (the “Quotation”) for the supply of the goods (if any) and services described in Schedule A – Specifications of Goods and Scope of Services to Attachment 1 – Agreement (the “Goods and Services”).  The description of the Goods and Services sets out the minimum requirements of the City.  A person that submits a Quotation (the “Contractor”) should prepare a Quotation that meets the minimum requirements, and may as it may choose, in addition, also include goods, services or terms that exceed the minimum requirements. 


Description of Scope of Services Required
Provide all labour, materials, equipment and plant to provide complete cleaning of catch basins, side inlet basins, lawn basins and lateral lines in areas as designated by the City and any other related works subject to the complete satisfaction of the City at various City locations (refer to Appendix 1-A, 1-B).

Description of  Works
Catch basins shall be cleaned, followed by flushing with a high-pressure hose having a minimum capacity of 1500 PSI, to ensure all debris is removed. All foreign materials, including, but not limited to, debris sticks, newsprint, and concrete encrustments, etc. shall be removed from the catch basin. This material shall be disposed to the designated site provided by the City. Where necessary, hand cleaning of the catch basin shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional cost.

Where the level of debris in the catch basin meets or exceeds the invert of the outlet pipe, the leader line must be flushed from the catch basin to the mainline to ensure that there are no obstructions.

Catch basins shall be deemed "clean" once all debris has been completely removed and the actual catch basin structure is visible.

If the City determines that an amendment is required to this RFQ, the City Representative will issue a written addendum by posting it on the BC Bid website at and the City website at  (collectively, the “Websites”), and upon posting, any addenda will form a part of this RFQ.  It is the responsibility of Contractors to check the Websites for addenda.  The only way this RFQ may be added to, or amended in any way, is by a formal written addendum.  No other communication, whether written or oral, from any person will affect or modify the terms of this RFQ or may be relied upon by any Contractor.  By delivery of a Quotation the Contractor is deemed to have received, accepted and understood the entire RFQ, including any and all addenda.

All inquiries related to this RFQ should be directed in writing to the contact person named above.